Progress report WG F Maria Brättemark, WFD Team, DG ENV.D.1, European Commission
Key activities Two meetings WG F 20.5.2009 and 27.10.2009. Key issues addressed : Flood reporting Transposition checklist CIS Workprogramme 2010-2012 Coordination of Thematic Workshops Information exchange EU policies : Regional affairs, Civil protection, RTD, including specific research projects etc Drafting groups : Climate change and floods – contribution to the Guidance document Drafting group on reporting (3 meetings)
2009 Thematic workshops Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment, 25-26.5.2009, Brno (CZ) Climate change and floods, 8-10.9.2009, Karlstad (SW). Catchment Approach, 15-16.10.2009, Stirling (UK).
Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment 25-26.5.2009, Brno (CZ) Reflections on key components of the Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment and the identification of areas of Potential significant Flood risk (need to exchange in formation on past floods, different indicators of significant flood risk, different flood types). Consultation on the PFRA reporting sheets. To compile a list of different types of floods occurring in Europe including description of particular flood types to support development of the reporting sheets. To initiate development of informational database collecting basic data on historical floods to promote and stimulate easier data exchange among Member States.
Climate change and flood risk management 8-10.9.2009, Karlstad (SW) Presentations from Sweden and other MS on the latest state of play of flood risk assessments in view of Climate change, as well as a presentation work of IPCC on extreme event. Consultation session on the guidance document. Recommendations to the Thematic workshop on Flood Risk Management. Information on Climate Change is uncertain but trends are robust enough to start to act. Climate changing means flood patterns are changing. Need for a new approach to flood risk management. Besides SLR and effects on rivers, increase attention for flash floods, heavy precipitation events and sewage and urban drainage systems.
CC workshop : Recommendations for Flood Risk Management Plans workshop Climate change reinforces need to integrate spatial / land use planning, and civil protection, early warning, in the FRMP. Coordination on river basin district level (and for shared coastal flood prone areas) on climate change assessment is needed. Planned protection must be flexible to meet new patterns. Calculate cost/benefits on preventive measures. Prioritized lists of “no-regret” and “win-win” measures in view of climate change. Climate proofing of FRMP climate proof.
Catchment Approach to Flood risk Management 15-16. 10 Catchment Approach to Flood risk Management 15-16.10.2009, Stirling (UK) Importance of coordination at the level of the whole catchment. Natural approaches (e.g. restoring function flood plains and wetlands) provide a real opportunity to realise multiple benefits. Need to engage all stakeholders across the catchment, public participation important. Shared vision, shared problems-shared solutions. Early identification of barriers. Promotion of key guiding principles to support delivery of catchment focused flood risk management (support selection of sustainable measures, improved cost-benefit analysis, natural approaches to managing to sources and pathways of flood waters). Improve exchange of best practice and pilot projects across Europe, from which best practice lessons can be learnt (rural and urban settings).
2010 Thematic workshops Flood Risk Management Plans, 26-28 January 2010, Maastricht, NL. Flash floods and pluvial floods, 26-28 May 2010, Cagliari, Italy. Floods and Economics, 25-26 October 2010, Ghent, Belgium (back to back WG F 8.)
Reporting 2009 (for SCG and WFD endorsement Nov 2009): Concept paper on Floods Directive reporting Reporting sheets Competent Authorities & Units of management (reporting deadline 26.5.2010) Reporting Sheet Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment (reporting deadline 22.3.2012) 2010(for SCG and WFD endorsement 2010, point 1&2, 3 as far as progress): Reporting sheets on Flood Hazard and Flood Risk Maps (Reporting deadline 22.3.2014) Reporting Sheets Flood Risk Management Plans (Reporting deadline 22.3.2016) Make progress on IT Formats, GIS Guidance, usertools, testing...Links to INSPIRE