Interpretive Essay
C.C.S.S. W. 9-10.2 Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas W. 9-10.4 Produce clear and coherent writing W. 9-10.6 Use technology … to produce … writing products W. 9-10.9 Draw evidence from literary or informative texts to support annalysis
SWBAT Plan their writing project Follow the writing model Write a cohesive paper using effective textual evidence to support a literature analysis
Writing instructions Writing prompt: When you have closely examined a piece of literature, you are able to interpret it -- to figure out meaning that are not obvious at first glance. Write an essay that interprets a literary work and helps readers find new meaning or significance in it. Topics to consider: How conflict in “Harrison Bergeron” helps get the author’s message across How setting and mood in “Searching for Summer” affect the meaning of the story Instructions, tips, and a student model are found in the literature book on pp. 142-148. CCSS informative rubric (p. 4) will be used to grade your papers.
Brainstorm At first glance, what seems to be the point in the story Harrison Bergeron? People are created equal No one is better than anyone else Upon further examination, what becomes apparent? People can’t be equal People can give up their power to the government
Find the textual evidence Evidence of inequality in Harrison Bergeron George has a mechanism in his ear that goes off when he thinks in a way the government doesn’t want him to The ballerinas had to wear bags that weighed them down so they did not leap higher than other ballerinas Harrison had to wear a rubber ball on his nose and caps on his teeth so he wasn’t more attractive than others
Gather direct quotes “Nobody was smarter than anybody else. Nobody was better looking than anybody else. Nobody was stronger or quicker than anybody else,” (Vonnegut, 34). “‘If I tried to get away with it,’ said George, ‘then other people’d get away with it-- and pretty soon we’d be right back to the dark ages again, with everybody competing against everybody else,’” (37).
Brainstorm At first glance, what seems to be the point in the story Searching for Summer? Nice little honeymoon story The country valued sunshine because it was so rare after the bombs Upon further examination, what becomes apparent? We make our own sunshine The Hatchings don’t appreciate the sunshine because they haven’t lost it
Find the textual evidence Evidence that we don’t appreciate what we have until it’s gone Guests cry that Tom and Lily don’t have a sunny wedding as they had experienced Travelers flock to areas reported to have sunshine The Hatchings don’t realize how precious their sunshine is
Gather direct quotes “‘And why not?’ Mrs. Hatching demanded. ‘How else’ll beans set, tell me that? Fine thing if sun were to stop shining,’” (Aiken, 68). “It was years since the bombs had been banned, but still the cloud never lifted,” (62).
Outline paper: Intro At first glance, (name of story) seems to … However, an analysis of the story shows that the author uses (list or describe what is used) to … Three (conflicts, situations, characters, etc.) illustrate … Refer to pp. 143-144 in text for the student model
Outline paper: body paragraphs At the beginning… (Then make a point that connects what happens in the story and how it illustrates a bigger meaning.) Body paragraph 2 Another important .... (Then make a point that connects what happens in the story and how it illustrates a bigger meaning. In this paragraph you may also choose to use a direct quote from the story to support your point.) Body paragraph 3 The most important … (Then make a point that connects what happens in the story and how it illustrates a bigger meaning.)
Outline paper: Conclusion As (name character + choose precise verb)...
More sentence starters if you need additional help It was surprising when … The real conflict happens because … The conflict points out … The setting of the story is important because … The mood at the beginning of the story is … This change is significant because …