The Importance of Plants Photosynthesis in plants and a few bacteria is responsible for feeding nearly all life on Earth. It does this by taking energy from the sun and converting it into a storable form, usually glucose, which plants use for their own life processes. Animals that consume plants also make use of this energy, as do those that consume those that consume plants, and so on to the top of the food chain.
Our Part As important a job as making all of the world's food is, there's another vital function that photosynthesis performs: It generates the oxygen that oxygen-breathing animals need to survive. But here we animals repay the favor. We exhale the carbon dioxide that plants need for photosynthesis.
Consider a Hamburger….. It contains meat that was once a part of a cow. Where did the cow get the energy to make the muscle that became meat? A cow must take in food, such as plants, that already contain chemical energy. So where do plants get this energy?
The sun – through the process of photosynthesis!
The Process of Photosynthesis Photosynthesis is the process by which plants are able to capture light energy and use that energy to make glucose. In this process, sunlight provides the energy needed by chlorophyll to change molecules of carbon dioxide and water into glucose. Oxygen is released in this reaction.
Note how each of the raw materials end up in the chloroplasts so that the whole photosynthesis deal can go down.
Pay attention to what happens to the products of photosynthesis.
Basic Photosynthesis
Energy Transfer When the cow eats the plant, the energy stored in the plant is transferred to the cow. The cow uses the energy to make muscle (beef). This energy is then transferred to you as you eat your hamburger.
Respiration Cows and other animals like us need energy which is obtained from sugars. We also need oxygen for life processes. This process of obtaining energy from sugar is known as respiration. Respiration occurs in the mitochondria of cells.
Respiration Respiration is almost the exact opposite reaction to photosynthesis. These two reactions work together to maintain biological balance on earth.
Illuminating Photosynthesis
Flowering plants have four major part types: Roots Stems Leaves Flowers
Emergence of Seedlings
Germination After seeds are dispersed, they may remain inactive for a while, or they may begin to grow immediately. Germination is the early stage of growth. Germination begins when the seed absorbs water. Then the embryo uses its stored food to begin to grow. First the roots grow downward, then the leaves and stem grow upward. Seeds that are dispersed far away from their parent have a better chance of survival. This is because they do not have to compete with their parents for light, water, and nutrients as they begin to grow.