Getting New Members Allan Walmsley WM Regional Conference 29 March 2019
Why Do We Need New Members? Growing U3As Fresh activities and ideas Improving Diversity
1. Make it Easy to Join KISS Variety of methods to join Be Flexible Accessible venues
2. Create an Attractive Package Attractive range of IGs Good location Aims and policies Publicity Materials Welcome letter and Welcome New Members
3. Media Get Local Media Cover Advertise in local newspapers U3A Newsletter Website/ Facebook/ Twitter
4. Community Relations Community Organisations and Events Flyers in doctors, hospitals, cafeterias, libraries, etc. U3A newsletters or Third Age Matters in waiting rooms,
5. Visitors/Guests Use Members’ networks Open Meetings and Visitor Packs Tester sessions Follow up
Lastly would you consider doing….? Reward program? Money back guarantee? Free meetings or gifts? Track conversion rates? Contact former members?