Client Assistance Program (CAP) John Gutierrez Linda Fischer
Services Provided By CAP Assistance in informing and advising clients and client applicants of services through Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Provide advocacy through appropriate remedies to ensure protection of rights regarding VR Services
How VR Can Help You Find and maintain full or part-time work Find and maintain work where you get job supports Run your own business Keep the job you already have
Applying for VR services The first step is to fill out an application You can apply to any VR office If you receive Social Security benefits, you are automatically eligible for services
Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) VR provides services to individuals with disabilities who want to: Go to work Keep a job Return to work
Basic Requirements to be Eligible for VR Services You have a physical or mental impairment Physical or mental impairment is or results in a substantial barrier to employment Need VR services to prepare for, secure, retain or regain employment
Length of Time Your VR Counselor Has to Determine Whether You Are Eligible for VR Services 60 days from the date you applied
Evaluations Reasons VR may ask you to get an evaluation: To prove you have a disability To help decide your employment goal and what services you need to reach the goal
Examples of Evaluations Medical Psychological Vocational Neuropsychological Assistive Technology
Clients Rights During the Evaluation Process Reason for evaluation Choice of evaluator Review of the results Disagreements over the process
Individual Plan for Employment (IPE) A plan that lists your specific employment goal Outlines the services RSA will provide Lists the steps you need to take to achieve your employment goal
Changes to the IPE Once the IPE is Written and Services Have Begun Necessary changes can be made
Getting a Copy of Your IPE You must be provided a copy of the IPE and all changes made
VR Services Available to You Job-related services, including job search and placement assistance Prosthetic and orthotic devices Eyeglasses and visual services Diagnosis and treatment for mental and emotional disorders Transportation
VR Services Available to You On-the-job or other related personal assistance services Occupational licenses, tools, equipment and initial stocks and supplies Services to the family of an individual with a disability Specific post-employment services
Appeals Rights What can be appealed: Being found ineligible for services Any decision made by VR that affects your services Disagreeing on your employment goal Closing your case Choice of provider
Rights of Clients During an Appeal Information about CAP Consultation with client and their representative Written notice and what it is to say Services stay in place during appeal
Ways to Appeal Going to the supervisor Mediation Administrative hearing