Thursday April 16, 2015 Mr. Goblirsch – American Government OBJECTIVE – Students Will Be Able To – SWBAT: - Simulate making a democratic decision using lobbying. AGENDA: WARM-UP: Primary Doc Reading ACTIVITY: Where To Eat? REVIEW: Kahoot Quiz CLOSURE: Quiz Study Guide ***Voting, Elections, Political Parties QUIZ TOMORROW*** ***Workbook Pgs. 40 & 41 DUE TODAY Primary Doc Reading WARM-UP: (Follow the directions below) ***5 minutes*** Read the Primary Document from the National Urban League (an interest group) on P. 248. Answer the questions. Analyzing Primary Sources Question #1 Analyzing Primary Sources Question #2 Analyzing Primary Sources Question #3
Political Parties, Voting, & Elections STUDY GUIDE CAMPAIGNS & ELECTIONS What do most Americans consider themselves to be? What are the goals/roles of political parties? What’s the difference between a strong & weak party voter? What % of Americans typically turnout for presidential elections? What are the characteristics of people with higher % voter turnout? What amendments in the Constitution deal with voting? What are the typical requirements by states in order for someone to be able to vote? What years are federal elections held? What’s the difference between an open & closed primary? What is the FEC and what does it do? What are the sources of campaign funding for candidates and which ones does the FEC regulate/limit? What’s the difference between hard & soft money? What are the goals of interest groups? What is a PAC? What is lobbying?
ASSIGNMENT Read Chapter 7 Sections 1 & 2 Complete Workbook Pgs. 40 & 41 ONLY complete the CHART on each page TURN INTO THE BASKET WHEN YOU FINISH