Visit to Kingston Museum - 6th March Please encourage your child to read each day Year 1 Theme Map: Spring 2 Story writing, poetry, diary entries and drama through the Power of Reading texts. Write pirate stories, messages in a bottle and postcards from a desert island. Create treasure maps using tea staining. Create ships at sea paintings and collages. Design and make a desert island. Literacy Know what to do in an emergency. Share things I am proud of. Discuss my talents and what I am good at. Learn ways to help if I feel worried, angry or upset. Art/DT Computing Begin to use Chromebooks. Write and edit sentences using Word. Draw pictures using Paint. Pirates Ahoy! PSHE PE Maths Swimming on Monday afternoons. PE on Friday afternoons. Theme RE Time - understand what a second, minute and hour is; tell the time to o’clock and half past. Measure length, weight and capacity. Multiplication as grouping and division as sharing. Find halves and quarters of shapes and numbers. Partitioning of 2 digit numbers. Addition and subtraction of 2 digit numbers. Science Explore the features of a desert island and my local area. Identify human and physical features. Look at treasure maps and use coordinates. Learn about the features of pirate ships. Write messages in a bottle. Easter Learn the story of Easter and Easter symbols. Explore relevant stories and Psalms through books, acting, art and singing. Light and dark Explore sources of light. Think about how we use our other senses in the dark. Understand how shadows are formed and create these. Investigate which materials block out light. Understand the benefits and dangers of the sun. Visit to Kingston Museum - 6th March