How Teachers and Schools Address Development in High School Students Adrienne Harvey
What are cognitive, physical, emotional/social development.
Cognitive Development What is cognitive development? How teachers and schools address cognitive development. According to cognitive development is, “the process of acquiring intelligence and increasingly advanced thought and problem-solving ability from infancy to adulthood (” Schools and teachers address cognitive development by teaching children to think, and giving students the skills to problem solve and evaluate (Interpreters and Children).
Physical Development What is physical development? How teachers and schools address physical development. “Physical development in young children, we usually mean two things: the process by which children grow physically, and their increasing skill at performing a range of various motor tasks, using their large and small muscles (Physical Development).” Schools and teachers address physical development in high school students by including health and science curricula that explains physical changes. “Schools also need to provide (a) programs that encourage adequate exercise and healthy lifestyles, (b) access to plenty of water and nutritious food during the school day, (c) appropriate instruction concerning the risks of alcohol and drug use, teenage pregnancy, and sexually transmitted diseases. Young adolescents must be afforded opportunities for physical movement and periods of rest (Developmental Characteristics ).”
Emotional/Social Development How teachers and schools address emotional/ social development. What is emotional/ social development? “Social-emotional development includes the child's experience, expression, and management of emotions and the ability to establish positive and rewarding relationships with others (Social- Emotional Development ).” Teachers and schools address emotional and social development by giving students the chance to form healthy relationships with peers (Developmental Characteristics). . Teachers can incorporate learning activities and group work to encourage peer interaction (Developmental Characteristics). . They can also have class debates or role-playing (Developmental Characteristics).
Resources Cognitive development. (n.d.). Unabridged. Retrieved March 15, 2016 from website Cognitive/Social Development and Educational Interpreting - Interpreters and Children - Educational Interpreters - Classroom Interpreting. (n.d.). Retrieved March 15, 2016, from x.asp DECAL - Physical Development. (n.d.). Retrieved March 15, 2016, from Developmental Characteristics of Young Adolescents. (n.d.). Retrieved March 15, 2016, from /888/ArticleID/455/Developmental-Characteristics-of-Young- Adolescents.aspx Social-Emotional Development Domain. (n.d.). Retrieved March 15, 2016, from