Hello! Today you need… Your reading comp. book. Your reading log. Your reading goal check-in on the big yellow Post-It Everything else on the floor.
Turn to the next available page in your comp. book Put today’s date on the first line on the upper left-hand side of the paper Title it Reading Reflection #13 Add it to your Table of Contents
Copy and complete the following sentences: When I look at the 1st semester score for my comp. book, I feel….. I feel this way because……. If I had another chance, I would….. Next quarter, I plan to….. (When finished: Tape the rubric and your reading log on the left hand side.)
Vocabulary that will you will read in pages 1-7 of BWN. Bindi
Pipul Tree
Gorus-chinch Mango Guava
Gorus-chinch seeds
A sari is a South Asian female garment that is typically wrapped around the waist, with one end draped over the shoulder.