Agenda IR Vocab 9A Practice (words and exchange)


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Presentation transcript:

Agenda IR Vocab 9A Practice (words and exchange) FlipGrid – review of set-up Much Ado Quote Practice Act I Finish Act I Plot Chart/Practice with Quotes some more HW:

Reminders 4/10/19 Grab your IR book!  Much Ado Quiz Act I – tomorrow! Vocab Unit 9A Quiz – Friday, 4/12 FlipGrid Book Talk –must be posted by this Friday!

Independent reading Vocab Practice 9A

Much ado About nothing Quote Practice Act I Finish Act I Plot Chart/Practice with Quotes

Groups Group 1: Abernathy, Keon, Brady, Group 2: Alex Becker, Jonathan, Larry, Brianna Group 3: Sarah, Kay, Quentin, Jacob Group 4: Carter, Charlotte, Grant Group 5: Jordan B., Emiliano, Victoria Group 6: Micah, Veronica, Devin S., Tristan Group 7: Thomas, Devin E., Hannah Group 8: Parrish, Jackson, Andreas, Ciera Group 9: Alex Brahm, Evan, Jeymi, Tania