Inter-Service Postal Training Activity Perform Retail Systems Software (RSS) Functions November 2018
Terminal Learning Objective Terminal Learning Objective (TLO) Perform RSS Functions LESSON OUTCOME: Students will Perform RSS System Functions IAW USPS and DOD directives/guidance In support of postal operations. Terminal Learning Objective (TLO) Action: Perform RSS System Functions Condition: In a classroom environment; given access to the following material below and awareness of the Operational Environment (OE) variables and actors. Receipt printer Scale Customers Display/Credit/Debit machine Postage Validation Imprinter (PVI) Clerk Display Monitor Central Processing Unit (CPU) Keyboard Scanner Money Orders Stamp Stock/Item Number – Money Orders/Bar Codes PS Form 3812-P PS Form 3800 PS Form 3806 Label 200 Standard: The student will: -Open The Unit -Receive Stamp Stock From SDO (Stamp Distribution Office) -Receive Money Orders From SDO (Stamp Distribution Office) -Transfer - Issue Stamp Stock To Clerk -Conduct Clerk Business -End Of Day Close Out Procedures for Clerks -Conduct Clerk Inventory -Conduct Clerk Audit -Conduct Clerk Reviewing/Accepting Audit Results -Close out the unit as COPE/Supervisor The Army Learning Areas (ALA) are the baseline focal points Soldiers and Army Civilians must possess to prevail in the ambiguous environments that challenge the Army today. The four ALAs are: Army Profession and Leadership; Mission Command; Human Dimension; and Professional Competence. The Army Learning Area taxonomy provides a framework to assist in grouping the General Learning Outcomes. The four Army Learning Areas serve as the framework to catalogue the 14 General Learning Outcomes. The General Learning Outcomes (GLOs) are essential outcomes resulting from training, education, and experience along a career continuum of learning. There are three primary purposes for the Army General Learning Outcomes. First, they provide trainers and educators a lens into how effective they are in conveying their support material. Second, it assists in improving instructional design and/or training support packages. Finally it places responsibility on training and education proponents to be nested with ALAs. ALA: Professional Competence GLOs GLO 4: Soldiers and Army Civilians demonstrate proficiency in mission command leader and commander tasks. GLO 7: Soldiers and Army Civilians demonstrate capacity in critical thinking. GLO 8: Soldiers and Army Civilians demonstrate proficiency in communications skills. GLO 14: Soldiers and Army Civilians are technically and tactically competent.
Operational Variables (OE)
RSS Components Receipt printer Scale Customers Display/Credit/Debit machine Postage Validation Imprinter (PVI) Clerk Display Monitor
RSS Components Cont’d Central Processing Unit (CPU) Keyboard Scanner Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) Cash Drawer/Till
eAccess eAccess - USPS online account needed to Authorize user roles on the RSS system. .
Documents Needed For eAccess Application You must complete the following forms: - PS Form 2181 - PS Form 2013 - PS Form 2025 Obtain a copy of your Background/security clearance
PS Form 2181
PS Form 2025, Page 1 of 2 5/27/2019As of: 10 Oct 07
PS Form 2025, Page 2 of 2 5/27/2019As of: 10 Oct 07
PS Form 2013
Steps to Submit eAccess Application Currently, eAccess forms are sent to MPSA for review and further processing. They are sent in an encrypted email to MSG Burton, SFC James and/or SFC Mace for processing.
RSS User Roles Roles are assigned to each user to determine the segments and functions to which they have access. You must have at least one role both assigned in RSS and authorized through eAccess to access RSS system.
Back office User Roles Retail Clerk/Military Postal Clerk Stock Custodian Supervisor RSS Administrator
Post Office Information PE X
Terminal Learning Objective Terminal Learning Objective (TLO) Perform RSS Functions LESSON OUTCOME: Students will Perform RSS System Functions IAW USPS and DOD directives/guidance In support of postal operations. Terminal Learning Objective (TLO) Action: Perform RSS System Functions Condition: In a classroom environment; given access to the following material below and awareness of the Operational Environment (OE) variables and actors. Receipt printer Scale Customers Display/Credit/Debit machine Postage Validation Imprinter (PVI) Clerk Display Monitor Central Processing Unit (CPU) Keyboard Scanner Money Orders Stamp Stock/Item Number – Money Orders/Bar Codes PS Form 3812-P PS Form 3800 PS Form 3806 Label 200 Standard: The student will: -Open The Unit -Receive Stamp Stock From SDO (Stamp Distribution Office) -Receive Money Orders From SDO (Stamp Distribution Office) -Transfer - Issue Stamp Stock To Clerk -Conduct Clerk Business -End Of Day Close Out Procedures for Clerks -Conduct Clerk Inventory -Conduct Clerk Audit -Conduct Clerk Reviewing/Accepting Audit Results -Close out the unit as COPE/Supervisor The Army Learning Areas (ALA) are the baseline focal points Soldiers and Army Civilians must possess to prevail in the ambiguous environments that challenge the Army today. The four ALAs are: Army Profession and Leadership; Mission Command; Human Dimension; and Professional Competence. The Army Learning Area taxonomy provides a framework to assist in grouping the General Learning Outcomes. The four Army Learning Areas serve as the framework to catalogue the 14 General Learning Outcomes. The General Learning Outcomes (GLOs) are essential outcomes resulting from training, education, and experience along a career continuum of learning. There are three primary purposes for the Army General Learning Outcomes. First, they provide trainers and educators a lens into how effective they are in conveying their support material. Second, it assists in improving instructional design and/or training support packages. Finally it places responsibility on training and education proponents to be nested with ALAs. ALA: Professional Competence GLOs GLO 4: Soldiers and Army Civilians demonstrate proficiency in mission command leader and commander tasks. GLO 7: Soldiers and Army Civilians demonstrate capacity in critical thinking. GLO 8: Soldiers and Army Civilians demonstrate proficiency in communications skills. GLO 14: Soldiers and Army Civilians are technically and tactically competent.