A Fertile Field for Failure Fear A Fertile Field for Failure
Fear: a Fertile Field for Failure Quote: “Fear is a fertile field that yields a huge harvest of excuses.” Fear produces “excuses”, “reasons”, and “rationale”, for not obeying God (situation ethics)
Fear: a Fertile Field for Failure Fear and intimidation by the ungodly toward the godly are becoming more prevalent today The godly are accused of _____ism, bigotry, intolerance, hate-speech, hate-crimes, _____phobia, etc.
Fear: a Fertile Field for Failure The ungodly engage in name-calling, character assassination, false accusations, harassment, fear- mongering, bullying, etc. This is no different than how the ungodly treated Jeremiah (20:10)
Fear Produces Excuses “It’s ok to bow down because this is a government sanctioned act” (Dan. 3:1-3) “It’s ok to bow down because we just want to enjoy the music” (Dan. 3:4-6)
Fear Produces Excuses “It’s ok to bow down because everyone is doing it” (Dan. 3:7) “It’s ok to bow down because we don’t want to be offensive, intolerant, or make a scene” (Dan. 3:8-12)
Fear Produces Excuses “It’s ok to bow down because people will get mad and there will be negative consequences” (Dan. 3:13-15, 19-23) “It’s ok to bow down because we don’t know what God will do either way in the future” (3:16-18)
Fear Produces Excuses “Let’s pretend by bowing, but don’t actually worship.” “Let’s go ahead and worship this time, then ask God to forgive us later – God understands this kind of pressure.”
Fear Produces Excuses “If bowing is wrong, why would God put us in this situation to begin with?” “The king has been good to us, so let’s cooperate just this once.”
Fear Produces Excuses “If we show the people a little goodwill, then maybe they will listen later when we tell them about the true God.” “Bowing down may not be the best choice, but think of all the worst things our ancestors did in Jerusalem.”
Fear Produces Excuses “If we refuse to bow and lose our positions, the king will appoint pagans in our place and we won’t be able to help our people anymore.”
What Fear Will Do? Keep us from evangelizing the lost (Mt. 10:28, 31) Keep us from doing the Lord’s work (Mt. 25:25)
What Fear Will Do? Keep us from open identification with Jesus (Jn. 19:38; 20:19; Gal. 2:12) Keep us from believing the truth (Acts 9:26)
What Fear Will Do? Keep us from standing for what is right in God’s eyes (Heb. 11:23) Keep us out of heaven (Rev. 21:8)
No Fear! God does not give us “a spirit of fearfulness” (2 Tim. 1:7) “Fear not their fear” (1 Pet. 3:14) Daniel’s friends did not bend, did not bow, did not burn!