KMS CHEER 2019-2020 Welcome
Agenda Welcome & Introductions KMS Cheer Handbook Fitting Times on April 15th Important Dates to Remember Contact Info and Communication Methods
Cheerleaders & Mascots fulfill 2 distinct roles in middle school, high school, and at the University level: 1.) To engage the crowd in cheering for their Team – focus is on the Team. 2.) To entertain the crowd at time outs and half times – focus is on the Cheerleader and Mascot. Our goal is to prepare our cheerleaders and mascots to fulfill both roles at a level that will make them a valuable asset to a high school and, eventually, a college. School Cheer 101
KMS Cheer Handbook ARTICLE I – PURPOSE The purpose of cheerleading is to create, promote and uphold school spirit and a positive school environment by participating at athletic events and extracurricular activities as deemed appropriate by the campus administration and sponsor. Participation in the regular curriculum is a right afforded to each student, while participation in the extracurricular program is a privilege that carries additional expectations for acceptable conduct. KMS Cheer Handbook
Article III: Expectations Section A – School Leadership 1. Cheerleaders will abide by rules and follow directions given by school authorities. 2. Cheerleaders will demonstrate determination, hard work, strength, dedication, and self discipline. 3. Cheerleaders will strive to cooperate and be a part of a cohesive unit. 4. Cheerleaders will strive to improve themselves and others through positive interaction and accountability. 5. Cheerleaders will exhibit loyalty to the squad and demonstrate leadership, honor, and integrity. 6. Cheerleaders will demonstrate good sportsmanship and promote school spirit which will be defined by a generosity and genuine concern for others. Article III: Expectations
Article IV: Requirements Section A – Participation Cheerleaders must attend all scheduled before and after-school practices and performances. Cheerleaders absent from a practice or performance will be subject to discipline, unless extenuating circumstances exist. Extenuating circumstances will be investigated and may require formal documentation be presented to the coach. Advanced written approval must be sent to cheer coach 24 hours in advance.
Cheerleaders will see athletic trainers for any and all injuries Cheerleaders will see athletic trainers for any and all injuries. Doctor notes will not be accepted by the cheer coach. Only trainers with a doctor’s note can prohibit activity…...Written statement and/or doctor’s note will be submitted to the head coach or campus coordinator (Coach Enderle or Coach Ivy) at the middle school level. Article IV Cont.
Article IV: Requirements Section C – Academic Any cheerleader that receives a grade below 70 at the end of a grading period may not participate in extracurricular activities for the allotted time set by the Humble ISD Eligibility Schedule. 2. Any cheerleader that becomes ineligible will not be allowed to perform, travel with the squad, or wear his/her uniform for any reason for the term of ineligibility. 3. Any cheerleader that has been ineligible for more than two consecutive grading periods during the current school year, or a total of 3 grading periods throughout the current year, may be dismissed from the squad for the remainder of the year subject to the athletic council. Article IV: Requirements
Article VII: Procedures Section B – Consequences for Misconduct Suspension or probation will remove the cheerleader from participation in performances and special events for a determined length of time. Dismissal or removal will eliminate membership and he/she will forfeit all privileges of the program. Resignation will be a choice made by the individual member that he/she no longer desires to participate for the duration of the school year. Any member dismissed, removed or resigned of his/her position in the cheerleader program must complete all financial obligations for non- returnable/non-refundable merchandise, and turn in all school-owned uniforms. Article VII: Procedures
Article VIII: Responsibilities of Cheerleaders Being a member of the HISD cheer program is an honor, a responsibility and a privilege. Due to the level of the visibility of campus cheerleaders, it is imperative that squad members set a good example for peers. Section C – Performance Uniforms Uniforms will be worn only when instructed by the Head Coach. Uniforms will be worn by squad members only. Cheerleaders will be responsible for any missing or damaged uniform pieces and he/she will be expected to pay reimbursement or replacement costs. Cheerleaders must ensure the uniform is clean and in good condition before each performance. Article VIII: Responsibilities of Cheerleaders
Article IX: Supplemental Information Section B- Summer Camps Summer camps are required for all squad members and payment is due on or before the designated due date. Extenuating circumstances that would cause the absence from camp will be handled on a case by case basis. Family vacations or other camps would not constitute an extenuating circumstance. Section C –Transportation Travel to games not on campus will be provided by district transportation as determined by the Head Coach. At no time shall coaches allow their cheerleaders to “meet” them at their destination. Cheerleaders will abide by all school transportation rules, procedures and safety guidelines. Article IX: Supplemental Information
Article X: Parent, School, and Coach Communication Section A - Communication of the Parent Communication coaches should expect from parents: Concerns regarding a son/daughter expressed directly to the coach at the appropriate time and place. (Not at a game or function) Article X: Parent, School, and Coach Communication
Article X: Parent, School, and Coach Communication Specific concerns with regard to the coach’s expectations. Notification of any schedule conflicts to the coach. (24 hours in advance, at minimum) Article X: Parent, School, and Coach Communication
Article X: Parent, School, and Coach Communication Issues appropriate for discussion with the coach and/or school administrator is encouraged: Mental and physical treatment of a student. Improvements on which a cheerleader/mascot may need to focus. Student behavior. Student safety. Issues not appropriate for discussion with a coach: Squad selection of cheers, chants, stunts or elements of a performance. Any situation that deals with other student cheerleaders or squad members Article X: Parent, School, and Coach Communication
Article X: Parent, School, and Coach Communication Section B – Communication of the Coach Written communication parents should expect from their student’s coach: 1. Requirements the coach has for his/her student and the squad. 2. Locations and times of practices and performances. 3. Squad requirements of fees, accessories, uniforms, squad rules, travel arrangements and off- season expectations. 4. Procedures in the event his/her student becomes injured during a performance or practice. Article X: Parent, School, and Coach Communication
TOTAL Estimate: $900 (includes Camp) Estimated Costs 2019-2020 Uniform: Shell, Skirt, long sleeve*, brief*, Shoes*, Sports Bra, Pom Poms, Warmup, Back pack, Long Sleeve Game Day Tee Other: Practice Wear & Gear (shorts and tees for 3 days) Game Day Shirt (short sleeved) Socks & Bows TOTAL Estimate: $900 (includes Camp)
Varsity Payment Portal Info You can log on and begin reviewing your order about 3 days after our fitting takes place. There will be a username and password sent to you via email. Find your daughter’s name and follow the prompts for partial payment. Varsity Payment Portal Info
2018-2019 CampWear & Equipment
Important Dates to Remember: April 15th: Uniform Fitting – please sign up today for your time. April 15th: All Camp and Practice Wear $ Due - $340 will be paid on RevTrack, an online system through Humble ISD. May 1st: Remaining Money for all uniforms due. Paid online through Varsity Portal. July 15th-18th: Camp @ KMS, 9-3pm each day. Showoffs July 18th, 2pm. Important Dates to Remember:
Communication for Parents We will use 3 forms of Official Communication this year: 1.) KMS Cheer Website: please check weekly for game and Pep Rally Details, Monthly Calendars and Announcements. 2.) Remind 101: We recommend that you sign up and have your Cheerleader/Mascot sign up as well. 3.) Email: We will send updates and details to the email you have provided. Please check it regularly and let us know if you change it. ☺ *All other forms of communication are not official. These 2 platforms are the ONLY ones updated by the Coaches.* Communication for Parents
Text: @20192020km TO: 81010 Remind 101:
We will post all updates of a non-confidential nature on this Website We will post all updates of a non-confidential nature on this Website. Please check it!!! Go to Humble ISD Choose “Schools” from the top dropdown menu. Choose “Kingwood Middle School” Choose “Activities” Choose “Cheerleading” KMS Cheer Website
Communication for Cheerleaders Remind 101: Both Cheerleaders & Parents should be on Remind 101. Google Classroom: Every Cheerleader is responsible for checking Google Classroom and completing all assignments. Communication for Cheerleaders
CHEER Google Classroom: Each Cheerleader must have signed up for Google Classroom and check it daily. Cheer Lists, Demerits, Announcements and Schedules will be posted here. It is each Cheerleader’s responsibility to know their game and practice schedules, which uniform or practice outfit to wear, and what to bring with them. CHEER Google Classroom:
Contact Info Ms. Wells – 281-641-4281 Ms. Rosario – 281-641-4329 Email is the fastest and most efficient way to reach us. When emailing, please email BOTH coaches as we will make all decisions together. ☺