Live Cast Pilot
Problem to Solve Access to expert faculty not available at location Availability of advanced classes not available at location Improved student community experience through interaction with students/faculty in multiple locations
The Team Office of the Registrar Office of General Counsel (OGS) Colleges: College of Professional Studies (CPS), College of Engineering (COE), Khoury College of Computer Sciences Online Experiential Learning (OEL) Center for Advanced Teaching, Learning & Research (CATLR) Information Technology Services (ITS)
What is Live Cast? Live Cast course sections are taught using synchronous, web-based technology by an instructor at one location to students in a classroom at a campus location, with instructor-classroom interactions facilitated by an in-class instructional assistant.
The Pilot – Spring 2019 Classes: Khoury – 2 courses COE – 3 courses Casting: SEA & SV (no students) Receiving SV & BOS COE – 3 courses Casting: BOS (no students) Receiving: SEA & SV CPS – 1 course Casting: CLT (no students) Receiving BOS Logistics/Structure: Technology – Zoom Coded in Banner in parent-child conditioning Casting class has lead Instructor; receiving class has Instructional Assistant Interact synchronously Receiving: Designated on-ground location IA to take attendance, be knowledgeable about content Back-up protocol established
Results & Next Steps Results - Student 80% of students had not taken a synchronous class before 80% either very effective or somewhat effective of learning 80% either very satisfied or somewhat satisfied with Live Cast method Next Steps Define Assessment Standards – CATLR Resources & training for faculty & instructional assistants Establish enterprise wide technology for supporting this method