Presentation Auditor General’s Report Budget and Expenditure Establishment & Vacancy Rate Employment Equity Recruitment Progress Labour Relations Job Evaluation Financial Disclosures Loss Control Vetting Statistics Communications
AG’s Report The NPA has achieved an unbroken 5-year record of an Unqualified Report from the Auditor-General since it was required to produce its own financial statements in 2001 Key indicator for performance of government departments and state institutions
Budget & Expenditure 2005/6 Financial & Audit Report Overview 2006/7 Preliminary/Unaudited financial overview 2007/8 Budget allocation MTEF Budget allocation
2005/6 Financial Overview Adjusted Appropriation Virement Final Appropriation Actual Expenditure Variance R'000 Current payments Compensation of employees 905,156 -4,967 900,189 - Goods and services 431,039 51,208 482,247 434,682 47,565 Financial transactions in assets and liabilities 13 Transfers & subsidies Provinces & municipalities 1,580 1,520 3,100 3,025 75 Households 1,055 1,951 3,006 3,081 -75 Payment for capital assets Buildings & other fixed structures 15,000 Machinery & equipment 15,980 28,156 44,136 43,933 203 Total 1,354,810 92,881 1,447,691 1,399,923 47,768*
Budget split 2005/06
Budget re-prioritisation 2005/6 Received R77m from DOJ&CD iro: R9.5m employer contributions to GEPF R18m State Attorney Legal Fees R15m GG Accounts R2.5m implementation of Job Evaluation results R22m Specialised Vehicles for DSO, WPU, NPS & Security and Risk R10m – Computer equipment
ENE 2006/7
ENE Budget split 2006/07
Monthly Exp vs Cash Flow Projections
2006/7 Budget & Exp overview BUILDINGS & OTHER FIX STRUCT Item_Level_3 Actual Expenditure as at 30 March 2007 Adjustment Estimate Additional funds from DOJ&CD Total Allocated Budget Variance % Spent BUILDINGS & OTHER FIX STRUCT COMPENSATION OF EMPLOYEES 1,059,247,591 1,104,196,000 44,948,409 96% DEPARTMENTAL AGENCIES & ACCOUNT FIN TRANS IN ASSETS&LIABILITIE 11,110 -11,110 GOODS AND SERVICES 450,742,446 458,074,700 12,348,766 470,423,466 19,681,020 HOUSEHOLDS 2,561,848 407,763 -2,154,085 628% MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 17,187,445 16,944,000 -243,445 101% PROVINCIAL AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT 1,092,896 2,439,537 1,346,641 45% SOFTWARE & OTHER INTANGIBLE AS Grand Total 1,530,843,336 1,582,062,000 1,594,410,766 63,567,430
2006/7 Budget & Expenditure Overview Still to be processed for the 2006/07 financial year Total Amount SA Legal Fees 4,529,358 GG Interface 1,500,000 Request for Roll-overs Capital - Furniture 6,619,741 Dispute 46,500,000 59,149,099 Less: Currently Available 63,567,430 Anticipated under spending for the 2006/07 Financial Year 4,418,331
Request for additional funding from DOJ&CD 2006/07 R15m - Outstanding rental payable to the Department of Public Works R7m - State Attorney Legal Fees R22m - Sale and leaseback contract R6m - Additional Security equipment R18m - IT Equipment
Additional Funding Received from DOJ&CD On 29 March 2007 received R81m from DOJ&CD for capital works (Innes Chambers in Johannesburg, new offices for DSO in Durban and East London) Also received R12m for purchase of IT equipment
Actual Expenditure 2004/05 – 2006/07
MTEF Allocations
MTEF Allocation Letter 2007/08 MTEF Allocations Cont. MTEF Allocation Letter 2007/08 R Thousand 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 Additional Accommodation - NPA 25,000 30,000 21,000 Witness Protection Unit (Compensation of Employees & Goods and Services) 40,000 38,000 NPA - Increase in capacity (Compensation of Employees & Goods and Services) 10,000 22,000 Reducing criminal case backlog (Compensation of Employees & Goods and Services) 45,000 80,000 108,000 120,000 170,000 199,000
MTEF Allocations Cont. Business Unit Budget 2006/07 Budget 2007/08 % Increase ASSET FORFEITURE UNIT 43,267,916 51,888,991 19.9% CORPORATE SERVICES 302,286,893 339,434,471 12.3% DIRECTORATE OF SPECIAL OPERATIONS 210,391,793 252,615,301 20.1% NATIONAL PROSECUTING SERVICES 816,484,676 941,271,356 15.3% OFFICE OF THE NDPP 9,310,246 9,848,861 5.8% COMMUNICATION UNIT 8,122,611 11,309,968 39.2% INTEGRITY MANAGEMENT UNIT 9,440,617 12,252,054 29.8% PRIORITY CRIME LITIGATION UNIT 7,449,517 8,790,488 18.0% SEXUAL OFFENCES & COMM. AFF UNIT 19,548,317 25,528,716 30.6% SPECIALISED COMMERCIAL CRIME UNIT 46,048,622 54,499,039 18.4% WITNESS PROTECTION UNIT 63,210,792 97,251,756 53.9% Grand Total 1,535,562,000 1,804,691,000 17.5%
Establishment & Vacancy Rate as at 1 February 07 BUSINESS UNIT APPROVED NO OF POSTS FILLED VACANT VACANCY % AFU 145 76 69 47 WPU 148 40 108 73 NPS 3498 2935 583 16 DSO 815 450 365 45 SOCA 65 28 37 57 SCCU 152 89 63 41 PCLU 8 6 3 38 IMU 27 18 9 33 NDPP 13 10 4 31 CS 355 217 138 39 TOTALS 5248 3874 1374 26 Percentage 26.18% Note: Approximately 1200 new posts created Note: approximately 1200 posts created late 2006 and early 2007 in response to additional MTEF allocations.
Employment Equity as at 1 February 2007 African Asian Coloured White Non-Permanent Permanent Grand Total UNIT M F AFU 15 6 1 14 2 76 78 CS 84 87 3 17 7 13 27 217 244 DSO 152 20 100 48 4 447 451 IMU 8 9 18 NDPP 5 10 NPS 1061 714 55 134 104 151 355 522 163 2935 3096 PCLU SCCU 30 22 21 96 102 SOCA 28 43 WPU 40 Total 1374 964 168 159 190 517 643 226 3874 4100 % Note: These figures include all employees, both contract and permanent and the total no of employees will therefore not coincide with the previous report on exits.
Employment Equity Cont. African % Asian % Coloured % White % AFU 38.5 15.4 9.0 37.2 CS 70.4 3.6 9.7 16.3 DSO 50.5 6.2 10.4 32.8 IMU 94.4 5.6 NDPP 70.0 10.0 20.0 NPS 57.3 8.2 28.3 PCLU 22.2 11.1 55.6 SCCU 51.0 8.8 6.9 33.3 SOCA 55.1 9.3 25.6
Recruitment Campaign Commenced with new recruitment drive in October 2006 Deployed new technology (automated recruitment system) and brought in 20 additional human resources on contract basis to speed up response handling Objectives were to reduce vacancy rate and increase personnel spending Started slowly by handling 468 CV’s in 1st week of campaign, growing to 5275 in 2nd week, 8796 in 3rd week and 15261 in weeks 4 & 5 In November 2006, 30 375 applications were received and all were scanned and captured for interview purposes within 6 weeks In January 2007, 17 296 applications were received and 11 410 were scanned and captured
Recruitment Cont. Recruitment Drive Targets / Objectives Filling of 1374 current vacancies Implementation of an automated recruitment system Streamlined recruitment and appointment processes Enhancement of Aspirant Prosecutor programme Recruitment Drive Progress / Highlights Eradication of “backlogged” appointments during November 2006 (380) Nov 2006 Campaign Applications related to 700 vacancies (30 300 Applications processed) Short listing & Interviews taking place January 2007 Campaign Applications related to 250 vacancies (24 000 Applications processed) Short listing and Interviews Scheduled Automated recruitment system – First phase implementation completed Appointments made since November 2006: November 101; December 115; Jan 61; February 26; March 129 (aspirant prosecutors only)
“Revolving Door” Syndrome Whilst over 400 appointments made since November 2006, more than 80% of these consisted of internal promotions Every appointment creates a further vacancy & recruitment challenge Need new approach to grow overall size of the establishment Aspirant prosecutor/learnership (SAPS strategy) Current approach has also increased average cost per personnel due to increased number of senior appointments
Magistrates’ Salaries Salary disparities between prosecutors and magistrates continue to present a major challenge Regional Magistrate now earns R458 813 compared to C5 prosecutor who earns R151 173 and D1 prosecutor who earns R196 503) Over last three years have lost 112 senior prosecutors (45 in 04/05; 21 in 05/06 and 43 in 06/07) to the magistracy Senior Prosecutors constitute 80% of new magistrates appointed
Labour Relations Report Types of misconduct Male Female Total Theft, bribery, corruption, defeating the ends of justice, dishonesty and fraud 9 4 13 Improper, disgraceful and unacceptable conduct at work 3 1 Poor performance 2 Negligence Dereliction of duty Possession of drugs and stolen dockets Incapacity Absenteeism Grand Totals of disciplinary hearings/pending hearings 17 10 27
Active Grievances & Types of Grievances Labour Relations cont. Active Grievances & Types of Grievances Male Female Total Transfer 2 Merit awards Merit assessments 1 3 Notch increments Salary levels Performance assessments 8 9 17 Promotion Job Evaluation 6 15 Appointment 4 7 Victimisation 25 26 51
Labour Relations cont. Total number of conciliations recorded, including those carried over: 25 Total no. of arbitrations recorded including those carried over: 17 Total no. of disputes: 42 No. of disputes completed: 8 No. of disputes decided in favour of employees: 2 No. of disputes pending: 29 No. of disputes dismissed: 1 No. of disputes withdrawn: 2
Job Evaluation Process commenced in 2004 Currently NPA has completed evaluation of 99% of all posts The final phase of evaluation of 1% is underway and consists of approximately 34 posts Implementation of the results of evaluation has had to take place in phases due to financial constraints, commencing in June 2005 and mostly finalised February 2007. Phase1: Regional Court Prosecutors and Control Prosecutors; Junior State Advocates; Relief Prosecutors Phase 2: District Court Prosecutors; Advanced District Court Prosecutors, Head Control Prosecutors, State Advocates, Senior Prosecutors, Senior State Advocates, Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions, Chief Prosecutors and a range of management and administrative support positions, Chief Investigating Officers, Senior Special Investigators, Special Investigators, Assistant Analysts and a range of other DSO operational support posts, senior management enforcement in AFU. Phase 3: Crime Analysts, forensic accountants, several DSO management positions, and range of management and other posts in Corporate Services. Phase 4: DSO Regional Heads, maintenance prosecutors and some posts in CS. Phase 5: Management posts in CS and various administrative support posts. Phase 6: WPU posts, court preparation officers and various administrative support posts. JE should be completed by 31 March 2007 & NPA will then move into a maintenance phase.
Financial Disclosures NPA had 213 SMS members in 2005/6 FY 206 disclosed their financial status for 2005/6 FY 22 of these were received after due date Seven did not disclose; two had resigned; remaining five either on suspension, incapacity or maternity leave.
Security & Risk Total no. of 118 loss control cases received for investigation with a value of R263 420,59. Have thus far recovered 32% or R84 163,77 from employees. 29 threats against employees of NPA investigated. Counter measures for protection implemented in 19 cases. Total value of employee protection provided is R3.2m. Total compliance with vetting requirements of 74% for all NPA personnel was achieved in this FY. (The DSO has compliance level of 100%.) This represents a 38% improvement in overall compliance for the 2006/07 FY and a reduction of 36% in the vetting backlog.
Communications Results of a brand audit, December 2006: Strengths: innovative, cutting-edge crime resolutions tactics Weaknesses: mostly internal staff-related issues NPA should be professional, efficient, unbiased, independent, fair, sensitive, honest and accountable Stakeholders generally expected NPA “personality” to be fearless, stealthy and powerful and wise, understanding and caring Inconsistent and confusing application of the logo Now on 2nd phase: developing a brand strategy for the organisation.
Thank You