The Global Citizen
Today our world is often referred to as the “global village” In order to be a global citizen it is important that we understand and become actively involved in larger world issues Today our world is often referred to as the “global village” A village is defined as a “small group of people who are a common set of values that help them to survive and develop How, then, can the entire world be considered a village?
We are part of an interconnected and interdependent community To improve our world community, all parts of the globe need to cooperate with one another We have a responsibility to the other citizens of the “global village” We must work to develop a world with justice and peace for all
As global citizens we have a responsibility to improve our world community by educating ourselves on many different key levels such as: Justice Health Peacekeeping and conflict resolution Human rights Ecological balance Environmental issues Social issues and political movements
But how can we do this?
More than education It is important to remember that education by itself cannot improve our world Making changes takes coordinated action on the part of many citizens You can help personally in many ways: Join an organization that represent a cause important to you Take part in events to promote that cause Write letters to people in power It is important to remember that, just like voting, your “one” voice can help to make a difference in these issues Not participating because you don’t think you can make a difference is not a good excuse
Local Changes You can work locally and make changes in your life that will have an effect on society and the world These could be actions such as: Recycling your pop cans Standing up against racism in your school and community We often hear the phrase “think globally, act locally” Global problems are often too overwhelming (and far away) for us to make sense of. But doing small things in our community (locally) can help make changes elsewhere (globally)