Bunker Project Schedule/Budget


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Presentation transcript:

Bunker Project Schedule/Budget Zvonko L. Antonio B. Jörgen A www.europeanspallationsource.se 5 October 2017

The Bunker Schedule and Costing- content Schedule overview Purchasing Manufacturing Installation Cost overview Materials Fees

Purchasing & Manufacturing plan Tendering plan Stage I: This is the pre-qualification stage. In this stage we will select a number of companies who pass this gate; and issue ‘turn key’ tender to those qualified companies. The pre-qualification criteria will center around ensuring the supplier has required turnover, has required background demonstrating ability to deliver this project, and can demonstrate that the proposed contract layout can be delivered. Stage II: Following selection of few qualified companies, we will issue the ‘procurement tender’. This project (our proposal is) will be manages as an open book contract. We will set-up collaborative relationship with the supplier and execute the production, pre-assembly and installation together. The key difference between this and other projects is that for this project we will deliver the detailed design, but in the model form only (we will supply detail drawings only of key components and subassemblies to enable us to perform the budgeting work safely). The NBPI is still in the design phase so operational and maintenance aspects are in the same state. Based on this reasoning - each NBPI is expected to be changed every 15 years. When we are up and running with all 42 ports this will mean a change of approximately three beam guides each year. Port block surface is refurbished due to potential damage from NBW Cold box arrival to ESS

Purchasing & Manufacturing plan  The project structure could look something like this: Supplier – manages ‘production office’ (houses bunker production project personnel, drafting personnel, ESS engineer will be seated at this office; alternatively, a production manager/engineer is located at ESS-Lund; calls for any ‘open book contract’ discussions) *This office is responsible for ordering all materials (whether the materials are pre-cut to final shapes, or delivered raw and cut at the supplier’ facility, is up to the supplier), production of detailed drawings, managing logistics and assembly of individual blocks; manages delivery of ESS bunker office – oversees the drafting and production effort. Enables collaboration model to work (ensures communication is maintained, key milestones are reviewed, and calls for any discussions relating to managing the open book contract). The NBPI is still in the design phase so operational and maintenance aspects are in the same state. Based on this reasoning - each NBPI is expected to be changed every 15 years. When we are up and running with all 42 ports this will mean a change of approximately three beam guides each year. Port block surface is refurbished due to potential damage from NBW Cold box arrival to ESS

Procurement/Tendering schedule Mirko M. Estimated date Activity 2017-11-16 Contract published on the ESS website. Tendering documents made available to the potential candidates. 2017-11-30 Deadline for submitting requests for clarification to ESS. 2017-12-11 Deadline for submission of PQQ. 2017-12-22 Notification of the result of the pre-qualification sent to the candidates (selection of max 5 candidates). 2018-01-31 Invitation to Tender (ITT) issued to selected candidates 2018-03-05 Deadline for submission of Tenders 2018-03-30 Notification of the award and the evaluation results sent to the tenderers 2018-04-09 Contract signed Apr 2018 – Aug 2018 Design  review + ESS approval of any changes, ordering of materials Sep 2018 – July 2020 Delivery and Construction 

High level Bunker manufacturing and Installation Schedule Sofie O. 2018 2019 2020 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Procur. Colab. setup Frame Production (confirmed with potential supplier) i Roof elements and subassemblies Wall elements and subassemblies Temporary shielding Installation (detailed schedule presented by ABi) Predrilling LOGISTICS Frame and base plates Walls Roof Utilities PSS

Detailed installation schedule presented by ABi. High level Bunker manufacturing and Installation Schedule Sofie O. R6 (Q1 2019) Critical Design Review                                                           Dec 2017 Contract for manufacturing                                                 Q1 2018 First Delivery to ESS site (R6 & steel sructure)                 Dec 2018 Mid delivery to ESS site (wall blocks & first roof layer)  June 2019 Final delivery to ESS site (final roof layer)                         July 2020 LS & Insert (with Target) installation (Q1-3 2019) Bunker Pillars & Beams (Q3-4 2019) Bunker walls & first roof layer Instrument & TBL installation (Q1-3 2020 ) Bunker roof outer layer (Q2-3 2020) Utilities/Infrastr. & ICS installation & test (Q3-4 2020) Beam on Target Oct 2020 Detailed installation schedule presented by ABi. First neutron instruments planning for “In-Bunker” installation within this 6 month period. Installations assumes normal working hours and summer/Christmas holidays

First access to NSS areas Neutron Beam Instrument Schedule V3.4, 25th October 2017 (contributor Jörgen A.) West sector North sector East and South sectors Current date First access to NSS areas Start User Program Beam on Target Hot Comm. instruments * still under discussion with ESS-ERIC Council NOTES: Assumes 2MW maximum power until end 2025 Phases aligned with TG2 reviews on 1st 10 NBIs Installation & Integration (TG4) + Hot Commissioning (TG5) for first 8 NBIs aligned with draft BOI plan (schedule match typically within 1 month) This schedule assumes obtaining the radiological licenses in a timely fashion from SSM. A trigger ‘first optical instrument component outside the monolith’ and a 6 months period from submission of the application to obtaining the SSM license - have been assumed (pending formal confirmation from ESH).  an initial hot commissioning of Accelerator and Target (A&T) to establish reliable beam on target at design frequency and pulse width. In 2021, commissioning of the first (4-5) neutron instruments is to be conducted at low power, where possible, in order to minimize activation of in-bunker components of the neutron instruments. In the current plan, the duration of this initial commissioning period is 10-12 weeks. Over 2022 and 2023 beam power and availability will increase, as the first 8 or more neutron instruments start hot commissioning, with a goal of reaching 2 MW source power by the start of the user program and maintaining that level until 2026. Commencement of hot commissioning for the first 8 neutron instruments (TG5 in Table 1) is closely aligned with the schedules presented by those instrument build teams at TG2. This order matches well with the NSS “Early Science Success” strategy, and distributes responsibility for delivery widely among our experienced In-Kind partners. Changes to this order will be made if necessary to mitigate effects of delays to individual neutron instrument projects. TG5 dates for neutron instruments 9-15 will be delayed to concentrate on-site resources for installation and commissioning (both cold commission and hot commissioning) on the first eight instruments to facilitate early science success for those instruments. This is discussed further below and illustrated in the NSS Installation and Commissioning schedule (Fig. 3). TG3 dates refer to “final” approval of detailed design, when the integrated design of all major components is judged to be complete, and beyond which no further approval from NSS management is required for manufacturing. At this point in time these TG3 dates are not fixed, but NSS management plans for this to occur in staged manner. “Early procurement” approval dates for in-monolith optics and other critical path procurements (such as in-bunker components for the first instruments) are not shown in the figure Preliminary Design Detailed Design Manufacturing & Procurement Installation & Integration Hot Commissioning/Early science Operation 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025

Costing We have market prices for bulk materials, and for cutting/manufacturing cost. We have received (HDPE and HDPE + B) unit price offers from range of companies from the EU and China. The steel bulk unit prices are obtained from a Norwegian and Danish steel suppliers. Median numbers are taken into calculation for the final sum. Uncertainties include: Raw material utilization. Percentage recycle for HDPE. Temporary shielding (concrete) manufacturing cost. Logistics cost. Installation model. The NBPI is still in the design phase so operational and maintenance aspects are in the same state. Based on this reasoning - each NBPI is expected to be changed every 15 years. When we are up and running with all 42 ports this will mean a change of approximately three beam guides each year. Port block surface is refurbished due to potential damage from NBW Cold box arrival to ESS

Costing Fees contributions details (excerpt): ESS and manufacturer’ design support – 720 000 Assembly – 900 000 Installation – 1 000 000 Fees Expenses SUM 2 794 832 16 955 597 19 750 429 Fees include ESS and contracted personnel cost Expenses cover material, manufacturing, incidentals This costing is from now until the handover So far, the project has spent 2 800 000 Material contributions details (excerpt): HDPE – 2 650 000 HDPE + B – 2 200 000 Shielding steel – 10 000 000 The NBPI is still in the design phase so operational and maintenance aspects are in the same state. Based on this reasoning - each NBPI is expected to be changed every 15 years. When we are up and running with all 42 ports this will mean a change of approximately three beam guides each year. Port block surface is refurbished due to potential damage from NBW Cold box arrival to ESS

The Bunker Q/A End of presentation Q/A