Chisinau, October 2011 Models for costing social services for children and families with children (project financed by UNICEF) UNICEF MoldovaCASE Moldova 1
Project description Models preparation Methodology Drafting Models Guide drafting Models consultation at the local and central level Face to face discussion with potential service providers Workshops in raions (Leova, Orhei and Balti municipality) Total costing projection – separate model for central level 2 UNICEF MoldovaCASE Moldova
Project implementation Methodology coordination with central authorities Social services identification and future potential Project extension at the local level Models coordination with potential service providers Coordination at the central level 3 UNICEF MoldovaCASE Moldova
Study rational Need in new services Need in a common methodology for costing social services Lack of money for new initiatives Lack of capacities in costing services at the local and central level Need in new system for ensuring sustainability of social services at the community level 4 UNICEF MoldovaCASE Moldova
Where we started from? Discussions with: current services providers previous studies authors central and local governments authorities donors Working with legal framework Service development strategies Legal framework on social services Minimum quality standards 5 UNICEF MoldovaCASE Moldova
Costing Methodology Labor Utilities, equipment, communication Transport Resources (inputs) Activities Services (outputs) Training Homework support 6 UNICEF MoldovaCASE Moldova
Costing model (practical usage) Segregation principle Input data (separate sheet) and data output&analysis (separate sheet) Different color for different categories of data Control elements Graphical representation shares of activities cost trends 7 UNICEF MoldovaCASE Moldova
Input data Specific data for each service 4 categories of input data 5 Excel sheets (salary, resources, forecast, profile, cost/activities) 8 Approved data based on existed legal framework, tax policy Historical data – calculated based on previous years data and experience Forecast data – MTBF, policy documents, simulation possibility No color (white sells) – data calculated based on the formula, including additional check (blocked cells) UNICEF MoldovaCASE Moldova
Data uses and analysis Resources (lines) and activities (colomns) Resources are: goods/services and labor Labor id divided as: direct and indirect personnel (proportionally distributed within activities) Resource share for each activity and its amount Elements of control (%, amount, double control of the total amount (input data vis-à-vis output data) Calculations for 5 years Totals and diagrams 9 UNICEF MoldovaCASE Moldova
Next steps Round table with participation of central and local authorities, development partners and service providers for finalizing the models Models and Guide approval by the Ministry of Finance Using the models in 2012 for drafting local budgets starting with 2013 year 10 UNICEF MoldovaCASE Moldova
Contacts Eugenia Veverita Oleg Grigoroi Veronica Sandu UNICEF MoldovaCASE Moldova