Peace in Peril 1933-1950
FDR’s Quarantine speech, 1937
IMPORTANT QUESTION To what extent did the isolationist policies of the 1930s reflect a desire to avoid a repeat of the conditions that drew us into World War I?
Failure of peace; triumph of aggression
Aggressions of Japan, Germany, and Italy 1932-1940
Appeasement The Munich Conference A settlement that permitted Nazi Germany to annex Czechoslovakia’s areas along the country’s borders…termed the Sudetenland. All the countries of Europe were present, except for Czechoslovakia Belief in giving a LITTLE, then Hitler would stop = APPEASEMENT
"There is no greater mistake than to suppose that platitudes, smooth words, and timid policies offer a path to safety.“ – Winston Churchill
Germany attacks poland Hitler turned to Poland, to territory it had lost after World War I. Wanted a highway and railway to cross over the Polish corridor. Convinced Britain and France that Appeasement had failed.
Important question In what sense was the United States “involved” in World War II before the Pearl Harbor attack and the Congressional declaration of war in December 1941?
The United States in World War II
Pearl Harbor Roosevelt Speech
The human dimensions of war
The “Arsenal of democracy” FDR December 29, 1940 Promised to help the United Kingdom fight Nazi Germany Gave them military supplies The U.S. stayed out of actual fighting
Role of women Rosie the Riveter Women needed to “release a man for combat” WACS – Women’s Army Corps
mobilization The Draft Selective Service and Training Act, first peacetime draft in American History So many draftees, overwhelmed the facilities Minority issues Segregation in all forms of the Military. “Double V Campaign” – African Americans should join the war to achieve a double victory – a victory over Hitler’s racism abroad and a victory over racism at home.
Financing the war Loaning money to the government In exchange for money, the government promised that bonds could be cashed in at a later date for purchase price + interest.
rationing Limiting the availability of many products to make sure enough were available for military use. Meat and Sugar were rationed to provide enough for the army.
Out of the Frying Pan into the Fryer
Allied strategy and leadership
Europe first Invasion of France Decoy at Pas-de-Calais – the Allies placed inflated rubber tanks, empty tents, and dummy landing craft along the coast Invasion of Normandy 7,000 ships carrying more than 100,000 soldiers Beaches: “Utah” “Omaha” “Gold” “Sword” “Juno”
A two-front war
The atomic bomb