Readily Available Permits Photo located at Photo by Stuart Seeger. License available at Jesse Lovegren, Ph.D., P.E. Air Permits Division Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Environmental Trade Fair 2017
Outline Approaches to NSR permit streamlining The simple cycle turbines RAP Air Quality Analysis for simple cycle turbines (Presented by Dan Jamieson) NSR: New source review RAP: Readily Available Permits
Approaches to NSR Streamlining Identifying similar facilities Presumptive BACT Standard emission estimation methodology Air dispersion screening models Screening levels for acceptable impacts Boilerplate compliance monitoring provisions BACT: best available control technology
Readily Available Permit (RAP) for Simple Cycle Turbines Eligible facilities Design and operating requirements How to apply Image at (Accessed 12-Apr-2017). Photo by GE Power.
Turbines RAP – Eligible Facilities Covered facilities must: Be located at a greenfield site Meet minimum setback distance: 150 m (general) 300 m (El Paso County) 420 m (Harris County) Not trigger PSD or Nonattainment NSR m: meters PSD: prevention of significant deterioration NSR: new source review Image at (Accessed 12-Apr-2017). Photo by Siemens. Background color removed.
Turbines RAP – Eligible Facilities Covered facilities must be: Natural gas-fired Used by electric utilities Simple cycle only (peaking units) No more than 2 turbines
Turbines RAP – Eligible Facilities Auxiliary equipment is limited to: Emergency (reciprocating) engines (≤2) Diesel/lube oil storage tanks (≤6) Dew point heater (≤2)
Turbines RAP – Control Requirements Current presumptive BACT: Exhaust concentration limits (3-hr rolling average, 15% O2): 9 ppmvd NOX (based on DLN) 9 ppmvd CO 2 ppmvd VOC Fuel sulfur: 0.25 gr / 100 dscf (annual average) O2: oxygen NOX: oxides of nitrogen DLN: dry low NOX CO: carbon monoxide VOC: volatile organic compounds gr/100 dscf: grains per hundred dry standard cubic feet
Turbines RAP – Control Requirements Must install NOX and CO CEMS Other requirements listed on web site CEMS: continuous emissions monitoring system
Turbines RAP – How to Apply Review permit conditions and verify eligibility File Form PI-1, TCEQ Table 30, and fee Attach Form RAP-SCT: Technical review complete in approximately 15 days Complete public notice requirements Image at (Accessed 12-Apr-2017). Photo by GE Power.
RAP Special Conditions Text: Special Conditions Permit Number XXXX 1. This permit authorizes emissions only from those emission points listed in the attached table entitled “Emission Sources - Maximum Allowable Emission Rates” (MAERT), and the facilities covered by this permit are authorized to emit subject to the emission rate limits on that table and other operating conditions specified in this permit. Also, this permit authorizes the emissions from planned maintenance, startup, and shutdown (MSS). Federal Regulations 2. The permitted sources at these facilities shall comply with all applicable requirements of the following federal regulations: A. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources (NSPS) in Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations (40 CFR) Part 60: (a) Subpart A: General Provisions (b) Subpart KKKK: Stationary Combustion Turbines (c) Subpart IIII: Stationary Compression Ignition Internal Combustion Engines B. The EPA National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAPS) for Source Categories in 40 CFR Part 63: (1) Subpart A: General Provisions (2) Subpart ZZZZ: Stationary Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines 3. If any condition of this permit is more stringent than the regulations so incorporated, then for the purposes of complying with this permit, the permit shall govern and be the standard by which compliance shall be demonstrated.
RAP MAERT Emission Sources — Maximum Allowable Emission Rates Permit Number #### DRAFT date: April 18, 2017 This table lists the maximum allowable emission rates and all sources of air contaminants on the applicant's property covered by this permit. The emission rates shown are those derived from information submitted as part of the application for permit and are the maximum rates allowed for these facilities, sources, and related activities. Any proposed increase in emission rates may require an application for a modification of the facilities covered by this permit. Air Contaminants Data Emission Point No. (1) Source Name (2) Air Contaminant Name (3) Emission Rates lbs/hour TPY (4) TURB1 Gas turbine (250 MW) NOX 81.30 pounds per hour (lbs/hour) 40.00 tons per year (TPY) CO 49.50 lbs/hour 24.35 TPY VOC 17.28 lbs/hour 8.52 TPY SO2 12.52 lbs/hour 0.77 TPY H2SO4 0.96 lbs/hour 0.06 TPY PM10 18.09 lbs/hour 8.90 TPY PM2.5 18.09 lbs/hour 8.90 TPY LUBEVNT1 Turbine Lube Oil Vent VOC 0.02 lbs/hour 0.10 TPY PM10 0.02 lbs/hour 0.10 TPY PM2.5 0.02 lbs/hour 0.10 TPY ENGINE1 Emergency Engine (Reciprocating) [400 horsepower (hp)] NOX 2.63 lbs/hour 0.13 TPY CO 2.31 lbs/hour 0.12 TPY VOC 2.63 lbs/hour 0.13 TPY PM10 0.14 lbs/hour 0.01 TPY PM2.5 0.14 lbs/hour 0.01 TPY SO2 < 0.01 lbs/hour < 0.01 TPY
Form RAP-SCT Simple Cycle Turbine–1 Enter information into the yellow boxes. Do not proceed if emission rate cells turn red. See qualification criteria. EPN CTG1 UTM Coordinates of Emission Point Zone East (Meters) North (Meters) Discharge Parameters Min Release Height (ft) 80 ft Diameter (ft) 15 ft Temperature (°F) 756 oF Exit Velocity (fps) 52.4 fps Input Parameters Rated baseload capacity at site conditions (MW) MW Heat rate of turbine, HHV basis (Btu/kW-hr) Btu/kW-hr Higher heating value of natural gas fuel (Btu/scf) Btu/scf Emission Rates Pollutant lb/hr tpy NOX CO PM PM10 PM2.5 VOC SO2 H2SO4
Contacts Kate Brown 512-239-1583 Jesse Lovegren 512-239-1284