Genre and Narrative
Genre Task
Sci-Fi Advanced technology Different lifestyle to the modern day Space Lasers Complex storyline/theme E.g. Star Trek, Interstellar and Guardians of the Galaxy
Disaster A natural disaster Destruction Large amounts of killed off characters Unlikely events E.g. 2012, Day After Tomorrow and San Andreas
Kaiju Giant monster originating from strange ways (space or radiation) Mass destruction Little character development Offspring of the giant monster Humanity brought it on themselves E.g. Godzilla, Pacific Rim and King Kong
Narrative Task
Linear Narrative Non-linear Narrative Star Wars Jurassic Park Watchmen Doctor Who
Flashback Realist Lone Ranger Moulan Rouge Schindler’s List Titanic
Anti-Realist Open Ended Avengers Star Wars Inception The Italian Job
Closed Ending Harry Potter Lord of the Rings