The new degree of urbanisation classification Developed by DG AGRI and DG REGIO
What is degree of urbanisation? Classification of all LAU2s into three categories: Thinly populated Intermediate density Densely populated It is used primarily in the Labour Force Survey (LFS), but also in other surveys such as Survey on Income and Living Conditions (SILC) and IT It is based on LAU2 density and contiguity In use for 20 years
Why a revision? Distortions due to the large variation in area of local administrative units (LAU2) Revised urban-rural typology is based on a grid based definition of rural areas which is more reliable than OECD or LFS approach Harmonising spatial concepts Rural (OECD) and thinly populated areas (LFS) Densely populated areas (LFS) and cities (UA)
Previously: 3 conflicting definitions Urban-Rural Typology Degree of urbanisation Urban Audit Rural LAU2 ≠ Thinly populated Intermediate density Densely populated ≠ Cities
New Proposal: Harmonised definition based on population grid Revised Degree of urbanisaton Thinly populated Rural LAU2 Intermediate density Densely populated Urban Audit Cities
New Proposal: 3 Criteria 3 Classes Type of Area Criteria Thinly populated > 50% population in rural grid cells Intermediate density <50% population in rural grid cells and <50% population in high-density grid cells Densely populated > 50% population in high-density grid cells
Definitions Rural grid cells = cells outside urban clusters Urban clusters = contiguous (including diagonals) cells with a density of at least 300 inhab/km2 and a minimum of 5 000 inhabitants Urban Centre = contiguous (without diagonals and with gap filling) cells with a density of at least 1500 inhab/km2 and a minimum of 50 000 inhabitants
Labour Force Survey Working Group Has approved the new methodology in June Will publish an explanatory note in 2011 In Q1 of 2012 LFS will use the new classification SILC will use it in 2013 and maybe 2012
Population grid Units: 1 km² grid cells (future reference for all population grids) Registered population in NO, CH, HR, AT, FI, SE, DK and NL Elsewhere disaggregation grid v5 (JRC) FR will has used their own population grid
Linking to the urban political level
Linking to the urban political level
Discussion with NSIs Almost all NSIs have replied. No proposal yet: IT, RO and EL!! Ongoing: BE, PT Harmonisation not yet possible: CH Other countries: no population grid available
Current overview of cities
Next steps Conclude discussions on the classification Present to the Director meeting of social statistics Present in the IT Working Group meeting OECD will publish a paper on the city definition Commission may also publish a paper highlighting the new classification