INSPIRE! …breathe IN!…. breathe OUT!... being a blessing to schools and colleges David Howell
SCHOOLS ~ Legal duty to Teach Religious Education (1944 Education Act 1988 Education Reform Act) Part of the basic curriculum The principal aim of RE is to engage pupils in systematic enquiry into significant human questions which religion and worldviews address, so that they can develop the understanding and skills needed to appreciate and appraise varied responses to these questions, as well as develop responses of their own. Swindon Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education ~ 2016-2021
SCHOOLS ~ Legal duty to Deliver Collective Worship (1944 Education Act, especially Circular 1.94 “…wholly or mainly of a broadly Christian character…”)
SCHOOLS ~ Legal duty to promote SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT alongside Moral, Social and Cultural development (SMSC)
SCHOOLS ~ Statistics As at January 2018 in England: 16,766 Primary Schools of which 37% are state-funded faith schools 3,436 Secondary Schools of which 19% are state-funded faith schools Which means that 1.9m pupils are in state-funded faith schools 28% of primary and 19% of secondary pupils
CHRISTIAN AGENDA Formal education informal education faith ‘socialisation’ evangelisation indoctrination
CHRISTIAN AGENDA SCHOOL AGENDA Formal education informal education faith ‘socialisation’ evangelisation indoctrination Christian faith development SCHOOL AGENDA
Spiritual Development Spiritual Development CHRISTIAN AGENDA CHRISTIAN AGENDA Christian Faith Development Spiritual Development Spiritual Development SCHOOL AGENDA SCHOOL AGENDA
Spiritual Development Spiritual Development CHRISTIAN AGENDA CHRISTIAN AGENDA Christian Faith Development Spiritual Development Spiritual Development SCHOOL AGENDA SCHOOL AGENDA
CHRISTIAN AGENDA SCHOOL AGENDA It is possible to serve the school agenda and the Christian agenda at the same time …through Formal education (lessons and assemblies) Informal education (inc. youth work in schools) Extra-curricula activities Pastoral support Governance… etc., etc., etc… SCHOOL AGENDA
INSPIRE! …breathe IN!…. breathe OUT!...
INSPIRE! …breathe IN!…. breathe OUT!...
INSPIRE! …breathe IN!…. breathe OUT!... Genesis 2:7 The Lord God took a handful of soil and made a man. God breathed life into the man… Ezekiel 37:9 The Lord said: Ezekiel, now say to the wind, “The Lord God commands you to blow from every direction and to breathe life into these dead bodies, so they can live again.” 2 Timothy 3:16 All Scripture is God-breathed [inspired] and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness
INSPIRE! …breathe IN!…. breathe OUT!... John 20:22 Then he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit.”
INSPIRE! …breathe IN!…. breathe OUT!... We are called to breathe [God-given] life into our schools and colleges… The Deanery CE Academy, Wichelstowe, Swindon
INSPIRE! …breathe IN!…. breathe OUT!... Be a blessing to children and young people in our schools and colleges