11-1 History of Hair Analysis Chapter 11: A Study of Fibers and Textiles November 13, 2014 Sanders
Hair at the Crime Scene Hair is considered class evidence. It is also easily shed and left behind.
Class Characteristic Hair is a character shared by all mammals. Hair has many purposes.
Trace Evidence I: Hairs and Fibers May 30, 2019 Trace Evidence I: Hairs and Fibers
Individual Evidence If a follicle is present, then DNA can be taken from the cells present. The follicle is made of cells.
Trace Evidence I: Hairs and Fibers Healthy Hair May 30, 2019 Trace Evidence I: Hairs and Fibers
History of Hair Analysis Hair first used as trace evidence in 1847 in solve the murder of Duchesse de Praeslin. Her hair was found on the Duke’s pistol. the police turned to a young pathologist from the University of Paris, Auguste Ambroise Tardieu, for help. He had recently established himself as a clear-headed thinker with a firm grasp of medicine in a legal context. Tardieu agreed to get involved, and he was allowed to examine the crime scene, the bloodstained weapon, and the body. He placed the pistol under a microscope—a device about which few people were even aware—and on its butt, he located a chestnut-colored hair similar to the victim’s. May 30, 2019 Trace Evidence I: Hairs and Fibers
Principles of Practice of Medical Jurisprudence Alfred Swaine Taylor and Thomas Stevenson wrote a text in 1883 describing human hair.
Le Poil de l’Homme et des Animaux Hair of Man and Animals published in 1910. Included microscopic studies of hair.
Function of Hair Hair on a mammal is for Temperature regulation Reducing friction Protection from light A sense organ