SATIRE What is it?
Usually has a very definite target which may be a group of people, an idea or attitude, an institution or a social practice Because satire combines anger and humor, it can be misunderstood.
The target is held up to ridicule -ideally in the hope of shaming it into reform Satire uses sarcasm And irony
Contemporary Satire The Colbert Report- Colbert impersonates an opinionated self-righteous conservative who , in his TV interviews, interrupts people, points and wags his finger at them, and unwittingly uses every logical fallacy know to man. Thus, he hopes to show how ridiculous such news hosts are.
What behavior is the author trying to change or draw attention to? Cartoonists use satire, too The Simpsons- satirizes many things.(Nuclear power, family roles, education, etc) What are they saying about human behavior? South Park- satirizes politics, religion, and everything else. What behavior are the writers commenting on? What do they wish us to see as ridiculous about real human behavior and practice?
Incongruity To present things that are out of place or absurd in relation to its surroundings. Particular techniques include oxymoron, metaphor and irony. Oxymoron= Two seeming contradictory words or phrases. (Jumbo shrimp; Required elective) Verbal Irony- saying the opposite of what one means
Exaggeration To enlarge, increase or represent something beyond normal bounds so that it becomes ridiculous and its faults can be see. Caricature is the exaggeration of a physical feature or trait. Hyperbole- overstatement.
Parody To imitate the techniques and/or style of some person, place or thing in order to ridicule the original. For parody to be succesful, the reader must know the original text that is being ridiculed. (Weird Al songs)
Reversal To present the opposite of the normal order to expose the normal order’s flaws.
Sarcasm Cutting speech; speech intended by its speaker to give pain to the person being addressed.