Pitch Planning of ideas By Hana, Eleanor and Shannon
Narrative/Description Starts with 2 drunk girls going home from a party, the girls wander through an alley (slightly drunk) A man steps out of the shadows from behind the girls and follows them One of the girls notices him and asks the other if she had seen him too. The other says no She sees him again, but still the other girl has not seen him. She is cautious The girls separate when one goes into her house. The girl who has seen the man is alone She sees the man again, and he starts running after her, she starts running She starts to panic, turns around and realised hes not there. She stops running. Feels relieved and turns back to find he is standing there. She screams Screen goes black
Sub-genre and conventions Psychological thriller Dark lighting Diagetic and non-diagetic Special affects to exaggerate mental illness Contrast Saturation Filters
Antagonist/protagonist An antagonist character is a character or a group of characters which stand in opposite to the protagonist or the main character. In our opening sequence we have decided that the girl that is seeing the man is going to be the protagonist character, as she is one of the major characters. The protagonist character is the man chasing the girl. It is the classic cat and mouse scenario. We have chosen to do this as this presents a usually relationship between male and female. This type of relationship would appeal to the viewers as it will draw them into the storyline; even possibly assisting the viewers to relate to the characters in some way.
Location We have decided to shoot somewhere that is dark and quiet. Our first option is an alley/underpass in windsor, we will be filming at night and this area has street lights that would benefit our shooting and will make the opening sequence more believable. However, this location would have a lot of dieagetic sounds which we could use to our advantage but if not we could edit them out with non-dieagetic sounds. If we are unable to film in this area we will film in brocus field as there is a tunnel with graffitied art on to and we think it will make a good location.
BBFC rating We think that our film should be rated a 12 because there may be a little bit of strong language, threats or horror. There will also be dangerous behaviour but we will not dwell on the details. Younger children may imitate any bad behaviour in this film. We will also be giving out questionnaires to our target audience to get there opinion on the opening sequence.
Roles Hana- filming, editing and production. Eleanor- filming, editing and production. Shannon- filming, editing and production. The man- Zain Zafar The two girls- Eleanor and Shannon