Parascience Case Study Jiayi Lu, John Hruska GEN_LA 298
Final Presentation 3-5 Minutes Critical analysis of an “alternative science” topic of your choice Or: 1 page written analysis Final Presentation
Realms Outside Mainstream Science Fringe Science Pseudoscience Parascience Realms Outside Mainstream Science
Instrumental Transcommunication “Instrumental Transcommunication (ITC) is an area of physical research that has captured attention of many thousands of people all over the world… ITC is therefore an electronically mediated form of communication with something (apparently the next dimension of existence) beyond the known reality.” Instrumental Transcommunication
ITC Examples: ITC
“Many years ago, Sir William Crookes, one of the UK’s great scientists, whose own experimental research convinced him of the reality of psychic phenomena, answered critics who protested that the experiences he was describing were not possible with the words, ‘I do not say it is possible; I say that it happened.’ “Crookes recognized that to protest that something is not possible, because we have no theory to explain it, is not good science. “If many of the men and women who have furthered out scientific understanding had decided in advance that something was not possible we would never have had a Galileo or a Copernicus or a Newton or a Darwin or modern quantum mechanics. “ Sir William Crookes
What do ITC researchers have in common with mainstream scientists? How do ITC researchers differ from mainstream scientists? What assumptions is ITC research built upon? Why is ITC research not accepted as mainstream science? What is missing? Should mainstream science community invest on ITC research? Why? How does ITC research differ from other alternative science research we have examined so far? (e.g. Resonance Science Foundation, Post-modernists, Alternative medicine, flat earth society) “ITC Research”