Being Thankful
Being Thankful Physical Spiritual
Being Thankful Mt 26:26-28, Lords Supper Redemption offered by Christ Redeem – 1) to release on receipt of ransom 2) to redeem, liberate by payment of ransom” Ransom – “what is given in exchange for another as the price of his redemption, ransom” To buy back Pay the ransom
Being Thankful Christ Paid to Redeem Us Mt 20:28, Jesus gave his life as Ransom I Pet 1:17-19, not gold or silver but the Blood of Christ Jesus Paid a Debt that We Owed
Being Thankful Sin is a Bondage Jn 8:31-36, Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free… Rom 3:23, all have sinned Rom 6:23, wages of sin is death
Being Thankful Requirements of those who accept Redemption Life Debt I Cor 6:19-20, we are not our own I Pet 1:17-19, live our life here in fear Rom 6:11, 12-18, be Servants of Righteousness
Being Thankful Simple Plan for Salvation of Man Jesus did the Heavy Lifting One we could not do Acts 2:38, First Gospel Sermon II Kng 5, Naaman receives God’s Grace Acts 8:20-22, Simon Sorcerer's Prayer for Repentance