Sven Vahsen, CYGNUS physics meeting Paper Status, 4/11/2018 Things still missing to complete paper Author list: Suggest we start with those who actively contributed text, material, or advice. Please send me your name, institution, and institution’s address via email. (all) SI and SD reach plots with CYGNUS (Ciaran, Ngyen, Sven) Have first plots. Let’s add 10 m^3 detector. Need to agree on thresholds. Could show separate plots with reach versus threshold, or bands for possible ranges of threshold Summary of existing (James) Missing gas TPC text Missing readouts comparison table Technology comparison (Sven) Have improved electron discrimination plots. Expect further improvements. Figures still missing: Angular resolution + head/tail versus readout Directional power versus readout Cost / WIMP versus readout Update of backgrounds chapter (Warren, Neil) Update w/ Warren’s latest results: done Paper quality figures (thicker lines, high resolution): mostly done? Backgrounds from gas isotopes: still missing Higher statistics SRIM and DEGRAD MC (Cosmin, Callum) Add simulations of He/SF6 and/or He/SF6/CF4 mixtures? Suggested timescale: finish all of above by next meeting, on April 11! 5/28/2019 Sven Vahsen, CYGNUS physics meeting
CYGNUS SD Sensitivity Assumptions Should see solar 𝜈 events CYGNUS 1000: 10m x 10m x 10m CYGNUS 100k: ~2 x DUNE target volume Assumptions 3 years of running time 3 keVr F threshold 1 keVr He threshold Directional mode: 20 torr SF6 740 torr 4-He Search mode: 200 torr SF6 740 torr 4-He Should see solar 𝜈 events Discoveries can be investigated in directional mode preliminary CYGNUS 1000 search mode CYGNUS 100k search mode Ciaran O’Hare Sven Vahsen UCLA DM 2018
CYGNUS SI Sensitivity Assumptions Should see solar 𝜈 events 3 years of running time 3 keVr F threshold 1 keVr He threshold Directional mode: 20 torr SF6 740 torr 4-He Search mode: 200 torr SF6 740 torr 4-He Should see solar 𝜈 events Discoveries can be investigated in directional mode preliminary CYGNUS 1000 search mode CYGNUS 100k search mode Ciaran O’Hare Sven Vahsen UCLA DM 2018
3D electron rejection (simulation) per 1keVee limits - all electrons rejected above 4 keV limits - all electrons rejected above 7 keV No drift 25 cm drift By range versus energy signature alone, excellent electron rejection down to 3-7 keV (depending on drift length) Sven Vahsen UCLA DM 2018