Prison/Probation Services and Forensic psychiatry Iceland Situation seen from psychiatry
Litla Hraun our main prison but also for individuals in custody, for about 90 individuals Since 1929 but 9 buildings, newest from 1980
Or prison for women, in Kópavogur For 12 individuals, women previously max 8, thus most often some male prisoners are there!
Prison at Skólavörðustígur, called Hegningarhúsið used since 1874 in central Reykjavik, still in use! Used as gate way to the other prisons
Prisons – smaller and more open
Prison/Probation Services and Forensic psychiatry In the period 1992 until 2009 the forensic psychiatrist at Sogn was also working at the main prison at Litla-Hraun Now there is no formal contact with the prison services The experience of previous contact with Prison services questionable!* The prison services have there own psychiatrist that visits the main prison 2 times a month One psychiatric nurse is working there full time. Psychologist are only 4 but work only half-time, 2 posts Social workers are 2, 2 posts GP comes regularly Short distance to a small hospital 15 km away Most of the forensic psychiatric investigations are conducted at Litla Hraun
Prison/Probation Services and Forensic psychiatry Many waiting for serving sentences. More foreigners (10% +) the last decade Prisons in Iceland can not be called, security prisons Problems continously with illegal drugs However no riots ever, violence is known between inmates but judged to be minimal Few get psychological treatment Question concerning supervision for staff Now more restriction on use of medication, that can be abused For many years collaboration with Vogur, SÁÁ addiction clinic in Reykjavik, prisoner can stay there for 1-3 month, last part of their sentence, correction by treatment there. Exemplar, role model unit a Litla-Hraun for those that show good conduct and have stopped using drugs
Prison/Probation Services and Forensic psychiatry A report since 2009 claims that 6 inmates yearly would have needed psychiatric inpatient treatment, unpublished data* Data yet unreliable No study done were a proper psychiatric investigation has inspected this Psychologist see inmates a week+ The psychiatiatrist 20 inmates a month Lack of psychiatric service clear