Glasgow University Staff Survey 2012 University Services Presentation Ian Black, HR Director University of Glasgow
Purpose of GU 2012 Staff Survey 1. To measure: – Staff Involvement – Staff Commitment – Staff Wellbeing 2. To determine: – Actions for building on favourable findings – Actions for addressing weaknesses 3. Where possible, to compare with 2009 survey findings – To look for continuous improvement Restructure has limited comparison Date tbiGU 2012 staff survey - University Services
GU Response Rates by College/US Population as at March 2012 – Base: 5,144; reduced from 6,056 to exclude: invigilators; adult education lecturers; tutors etc – Response: 1,780 (33%) Date tbiGU 2012 staff survey - University Services CollegeResponsePopulationResp. Rate 01.Arts % 02.MVLS % 03.Science & Eng % 04.Soc Sc % 05.University Services % 99.Not Disclosed55-- University Total %
GU Response Rates by Gender & Job Family CategoryResponsePopulationResp. Rate Male % Female % Not Disclosed120-- University Total % 1. R&T % 2. MPA % 3. Tech % 4. Ops % 5. Clinical % 99.Not Disclosed55-- University Total % Date tbiGU 2012 staff survey - University Services
University Services – Response by Service Area 1 Date tbiGU 2012 staff survey - University Services Service AreaSample nPopulation N% response Campus Services Corp Comms DAO E & B Finance HSW HR IT LTS 1133
University Services – Response by Service Area 2 Date tbiGU 2012 staff survey - University Services Service AreaSample nPopulation N% response Library Hunterian 1133 RIO R & E Stud Services Other Not Disclosed 124
US Response by Gender & Job Family Date tbiGU 2012 staff survey - University Services Univ ServicesResponsePopulationResp. Rate Male % Female % Not Disclosed28-- US Total % R&T % MPA % Tech299232% Ops Clinical0-- Not Disclosed21-- US Total %
10 question items used as GU KPIs Date tbiGU 2012 staff survey - University Services KPI Question ItemMeasure (%) KPI 1: Understanding of team aimsVG + Good + Satis KPI 2: Understanding of performance expectationsVG + Good + Satis KPI 3: How often praised for a job well doneAt least 6 monthly KPI 4: How often do you discuss with manager how to improve working practices At least annually KPI 5: How often given performance feedbackat least annually KPI 6: How good are communications within your work teamEx + Good + Satis KPI 7: how good are communications with other teams in School/RI/SEx + Good + Satis KPI 8: How well are GU-wide changes communicated?Ex + Good + Satis KPI 9: I enjoy working in the UniversityStr Agree + Agree KPI 10: I feel loyal and supportive to the UniversityStr Agree + Agree
Average of all GU KPIs 1-10 Date tbiGU 2012 staff survey - University Services **Heterosexual/straight and LGBT, as worded in the questionnaire *Disability Reported or No Disability Reported
Average of all US KPIs 1-10 Date tbiGU 2012 staff survey - University Services
KPI 1: Understanding of team aims (VG + G +S) Date tbiGU 2012 staff survey - University Services
KPI 2: Understanding of performance expectations (VG + G +S) Date tbiGU 2012 staff survey - University Services
KPI 3: How often praised for a job well done (at least 6-monthly) Date tbiGU 2012 staff survey - University Services
KPI 4: How often discuss working practice (at least annually) Date tbiGU 2012 staff survey - University Services
KPI 5: How often given performance feedback (at least annually) Date tbiGU 2012 staff survey - University Services
KPI 6: How good are communications within work team (Ex + G + Satis) Date tbiGU 2012 staff survey - University Services
KPI 7: How good are communications with other School/RIs? (E+G+S) Date tbiGU 2012 staff survey - University Services
KPI 8: How well are GU-wide changes communicated? (Ex + G + Satis) Date tbiGU 2012 staff survey - University Services
KPI 9: I enjoy working in the University (SA + A) Date tbiGU 2012 staff survey - University Services
KPI 10: I feel loyal and supportive to the University (SA + A) Date tbiGU 2012 staff survey - University Services
HSE Stress Measurement Tool - Findings
HSE UK benchmark for work-related stress Classifications are derived from HSE survey of 136 UK organisations ( ), using their methodology – 35 questions measure 7 key work design factors – scored 1-5; 5 is least stress HSE traffic light scoring scheme for 7 factors Date tbiGU 2012 staff survey - University Services ColourCommentRange of UK benchmark Doing very well - need to maintain performanceAt or above 80 th percentile Good, but need for improvement. 50 th - 80 th percentile Clear need for improvement.20 th – 50 th percentile Urgent action neededBelow 20 th percentile
HSE benchmark factors for work-related stress Date tbiGU 2012 staff survey - University Services RedYellowAquaGreen Factor (stressor) Less thanBetween Greater than 1. Demands: workload, work patterns and the work environment Control: how much say staff have in the way they do their work Support: encouragement, sponsorship, resources provided by: a. The organisation and line management b. Colleagues Relationships: promoting positive working to avoid conflict and dealing with unacceptable behaviour Role: whether staff understand role within organisation and whether the organisation ensures they do not have conflicting roles Change: how organisational change (large or small) is managed and communicated in the organisation
HSE Scores: GU2012 by Gender, Job Family Date tbiGU 2012 staff survey - University Services Notes Stress FactorGU2012GU MGU F1.R&T2.MPA3.Tech4.Ops5.Clinic 1.Demands Control a.Managers' Support b.Peer Support Relationships Role Change
HSE Scores for University Services Date tbiGU 2012 staff survey - University Services Stress FactorGU20125.US 1.Demands Control a.Managers' Support b.Peer Support Relationships Role Change