Database for Microarray data management 분자유전체학과 이영애
Purpose Database Analysis of Microarray data Selection of target genes Target genes information -Accession number -Gene Name -Ratio -Functional family -Function: OMIM -Transcript sequence -RT-PCR : Primer sequence Annealing temperature Ratio Functional study
Analysis of the ultraviolet B response in primary human PNAS, 2002 Analysis of the ultraviolet B response in primary human keratinocytes using oligonucleotide microarrays Angela Sesto
Materials and Methods UVB (10, 20, 40mJ/cm2) Primary human Keratinocytes After 0, 4, 24 hr, samples 6,000 transcripts; Affymetrix GeneChip HuGeneFL arrays
Analysis of microarray data GENECHIP analysis software (Affymetrix): 539 regulated transcripts (~10 %)
- Cluster analysis: GENECLUSTER 1.1 Doses: , 10 mJ/cm2; , 20 mJ/cm2; , 40 mJ/cm2
- Biological functions: GENECARDS database
Contents for Database Target genes information 1) Accession number: 2) Gene Name: 3) Ratio of change 4) Functional family: GENECARDS database 5) Function: OMIM, 6) Transcript sequence: 7) RT-PCR - Primer sequences: (Electronic PCR) - Annealing temperature - Ratio