Future of Computers Moore’s Law
Charles Babbage
Difference Engine by Charles Babbage (1822)
Eniac - 1946
1950 - 1970’s Transistors
Gordon Moore, Co Founder Intel “Moore’s Law”
Moore’s Law Gordon Moore, Co Founder of Intel Corporation, noted in the 1960’s that computer processing power doubles every 18 months. This trend has continued for the last 40 Years!!! Scientists believe that it will continue at that rate for several more decades to come AT LEAST 20Yrs, BUT MORE LIKELY FOR 30Yrs into the future!!!
Intel 4004 first widespread available microprocessor (2,300) switches 1970’s
The Power of Doubling has EXPONENTIAL Growth So, What does exponential mean? It means that the further in time you go the faster and the faster it accelerates. So, What!!!! You say I’m Bored Mr. G Well, Let me explain. Watch This!!!!
So What, Mr. G
Would Take Up an Entire Room SUCH AS A GYMNASIUM!!! 50’s Computer Would Take Up an Entire Room SUCH AS A GYMNASIUM!!!
Year #0 1960 1
1 Year 6 Months 1960’s 2
3 Years 1960’s 4
4 Years 6 Months 1960’s 8
6 Years 1960’s 16
7 Years 6 Months 1960’s 32
9 Years 1960’s 64
10 Years 6 Months 1970 on the MOON 128
12 Years 1970’s 256
13 Years 6 Months 1970’s 512
15 Years 1970’s 1,024
16 Years 6 Months 1970’s 2,048
18 Years 1970’s 4,096
19 Years 6 Months 1980 8,192
21 Years 1980’s 16,192
22 Years 6 Months 1980’s 32,768
24 Years 1980’s 65,536
25 Years 6 Months 1980’s 131,072
27 Years 1980’s 262,144
28 Years 6 Months 1980’s 524,288
30 Years 1990 1,048,576
31 Years 6 Months 1990’s 2,097,152
33 Years 1990’s 4,194,304
34 Years 6 Months 1990’s 8,388,608
36 Years 1990’s 16,777,216
37 Years 6 Months 1990’s 33,554,432
39 Years 1990’s 67,108,864
40 Years 6 Months 2000 134,217,728
42 Years 2000’s 268,436,456
43 Years 6 Months 2000’s 536,870,912
45 Years 2000’s 1,073,741,824
46 Years 6 Months 2000’s 2,147,483,648
48 Years Today!!! 4,294,967,296
This Is Were We Are Today A Fast and Expensive Computer $5,000 To $10,000 computer of today might have up to 20 Gigahertz(GHz) My Laptop is a 5.2GHz The Computers in Front of You are 5.2GHz
The Computers in This Room Have the Brain Power of a Frog!
Yeh, OK computers have gotten faster. What’s that got to due with Me?
1 Year 6 Months 8,589,934,592
3 Years 17,179,869,184
4 Year 6 Months 34,359,738,368
6 Years 68,719,476,736
7 Years 6 Months 137,438,953,472
9 Years 274,877,906,944
10 Years 6 Months 549,755,813,888
12 Years 1,099,511,627,776
13 Years 6 Months 2,199,023,255,552
15 Years 4,398,046,511,104
16 Years 6 Months 8,796,093,022,208
18 Years 17,592,186,044,416
19 Years 6 Months 35,184,372,088,832
19 Years 6 Months 35,184,372,088,832
21 Years 70,368,744,177,664
22 Years 6 Months 140,737,488,355,328
24 Years 281,474,976,710,656
25 Years 6 Months 562,949,953,421,312
27 Years 1,125,899,906,842,624
28 Years 6 Months 2,251,799,813,685,248
30 Years 4,503,599,627,370,496
Today = 5GHz and has the Brain Power of a Frog. In 30 Years = 4,503,599GHz. Which means it would take 2 million of the computers in front of you to equal one PC 30 years from now. It should be 30 years before the doubling slows. That’s two stacks from here to the Moon and then you would have to start a third stack. How smart might that computer that powerful be?
That’s Way More Brain Power Than a Human Has!!! Actually that’s more brain power than all humans on this planet added together!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Would we consider it to be alive or just a machine? Might it have feelings, and how might it feel about us?
So What Mr. Gravitt So what!!! It means that today's Multi Billion Dollar Supercomputer will someday be in a watch that your kids could buy at the dollar store. You need to realize we have the robots today, but they do not have the brains to be really useful.
Dropping Costs This Computer Chip only cost around $0.60 to manufacture The costs of new chips comes from the research and development of newer and faster chips You can purchase new older model chips cheaply
Oh Really, So What So, for instance one day Robotics might very well resemble something from a Sci-Fi Movie.
Are you going to be ready to compete for a job against me?