Suffixes are word parts that go at the end of a word. What are Suffixes? Suffixes are word parts that go at the end of a word. Suffixes change the meanings of words.
Examples of Suffixes er est ful
How Can the Suffix –er Be Used? It can be used: -on an adjective when comparing two nouns. -to tell what a person does.
It can be used: -on an adjective when comparing two nouns. My dog is friendlier than your dog. Evan is shorter than Destin. An ant is smaller than a grasshopper. Mrs. Jewels is nicer than Mrs. Gorf.
It can be used: -to tell what a person does. Mrs. Batte is a teacher. Old McDonald is a farmer. My favorite football player is Matt Ryan. Teresa's favorite singer is Hannah Montana.
How Can the Suffix –est Be Used? It can be used: -on an adjective when comparing three or more nouns.
Using -est I am the smartest person in the world. My house is the biggest one in the neighborhood. His shoes are the coolest compared to his friends. She is the prettiest girl in class.
How Can the Suffix –ful Be Used? It can be used: -on the end of adjectives. It means you are full of something.
Using -ful My parents were joyful during the Christmas season. Zachary is helpful at the end of the day by cleaning the classroom. Please be careful holding a glass vase. Gospel music is soulful.