BUDGET INTERPRETATION: 2001/2002 FINANCIAL YEAR INDEX: 1. 2001/2002: BUDGETSUMMARY Budget Summary Explanation for increase in Vote Budget allocation per programme Budget Allocation per Standard Item
BUDGET INTERPRETATION: 2001/2002 FINANCIAL YEAR INDEX (Continue): 2. BUDGET INTERPRETATION Programmes Sub-programmes Elements – including & excluding Administration Activities per Programme Standard items Provinces Main components of budget Cost drivers Per capita costs
PART 1: BUDGET SUMMARY - 2001/2002
BUDGET SUMMARY R’ 000 Amount allocated: 2001/2002 6 172 246 Amount Voted: 2000/2001 5 787 538 Increase 384 708 6.64 % Increase
EXPLANATION OF INCREASE ON VOTE Personnel Expenditure 270 176 Net effect of: - Carry through costs: Salary Improvements (1 July’ 2000) - New Salary Improvements (1 July 2 001) - Notch & leg promotions ( related carry-through & new costs) - Increase: Medical expenditure of personnel - Revised personnel establishment - number of financed posts Other 114 532 - Operating costs:Due to increased offender population, as well as price and tariff increases Total 384 708
ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURE PER PROGRAMME Voted 2000/01 R’000 Voted 2001/02 R’000 Programmes Increase R’000 % Administration 1 404 017 2 176 401 772 384 55.01 Incarceration 2 758 428 2 572 347 (186 081) ( 6.75) Care of offenders 581 802 551 215 (30 587) ( 5.25) Development of offenders 465 848 453 829 (12 019) ( 2.58) Community corrections 354 708 260 826 (93 882) (26.47) Re-integration into community 62 076 53 802 (8 274) (13.32) Asset Procurement, Maintenance and Operating Partnerships 585 342 578 365 (6977) ( 1.19) Subtotal 6 212 221 6 646 785 434 564 6,9 Less: Internal Charges (424 683) ( 474 539) (49 856) 11.73 Total 5 787 538 6 172 246 384 708 6.65
ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURE PER STANDARD ITEMS Voted 2000/01 R’000 2001/02 Increase % Personnel Expenditure 4 149 677 4 419 853 270 176 6.51 Administrative Expenditure 185 061 207 392 22 331 12.06 Inventories 452 655 546 545 93 890 20.74 Equipment 164 913 213 038 48 125 29.18 Land and Buildings 581 141 435 090 (146 051) (25.13) Professional & Special Serv. 195 917 334 959 139 042 70.96 Consultant Services 53 248 42 370 (10 878) (20.42) Other Professional Services 142 669 292 589 149 920 205.08 Transfer Payments 8 383 15 369 6 986 83.33 Miscellaneous Expenditure 49 791 0 -49791 Total 5 787 538 6 172 246 384 708 6.65
VOTE 19 : 2001/2002 FINANCIAL YEAR: Allocation per Programme Total : R6 172 246 million
VOTE 19 : 2001/2002 FINANCIAL YEAR: Allocation per Sub Programme Total : R6 172 246 million
VOTE 19 : 2001/2002 FINANCIAL YEAR: Allocation per Element:Programme Administration
VOTE 19 : 2001/2002 FINANCIAL YEAR: Allocation per Element: Excluding Administration
Activities per Programme Programme 1 : Administration Vote 19: 2001/2002 Financial Year Activities per Programme Programme 1 : Administration Total R 2 176, 401 million
Activities per Programme Programme 2 : Incarceration Vote 19: 2001/2002 Financial Year Activities per Programme Programme 2 : Incarceration Total R 2 572,347 million
Activities per Programme Programme 3 : Care of Offenders Vote 19: 2001/2002 Financial Year Activities per Programme Programme 3 : Care of Offenders Total R 551,215 million
Activities per Programme Programme 4 : Development of Offenders Vote 19: 2001/2002 Financial Year Activities per Programme Programme 4 : Development of Offenders Total R 453, 829 million
Activities per Programme Programme 5 : Community Corrections Vote 19: 2001/2002 Financial Year Activities per Programme Programme 5 : Community Corrections Total R 260,826 million
Activities per Programme Vote 19: 2001/2002 Financial Year Activities per Programme Programme 6 : Re-integration into the community Total R 53,802 million
Activities per Programme Programme 7 : Vote 19: 2001/2002 Financial Year Activities per Programme Programme 7 : Asset Procurement, Maintenance and Operating Partnerships Total R 578,365 million
Programme 7: Asset Procurement, Maintenance and Operating Partnerships 2001/2002 Year 1 R’000 2002/2003 Year 2 R’000 2003/2004 Year 3 R’000 Public Private Partnerships (PPP) 143 311 424 712 495 987 Capital works projects 435 054 739 957 892 890 Total 578 365 1 164 669 1 388 877 % increase (1.19%) 101.37% 19.25% APOPS – Included in PPP Variable fee – Operational costs 81 736 248 207 304 181 Fixed fee – Capital redemption 57 308 171 939 187 487 Total: APOPS (Prof & Spes) 139 044 420 146 491 668
Vote 19 : 2001/2002 Financial Year Standard Items Total : R 6 172,246 million
VOTE 6 : DCS : 2000/2001 FINANCIAL YEAR: Provinces Total : R 6 172, 246 million
Main components of Budget Allocation VOTE 19: DCS : 2001/2002 FINANCIAL YEAR: Main components of Budget Allocation Total Personnel Related Costs: R 4 457, 682 million (72.22%)
VOTE 19 : DCS : 2001/2002 FINANCIAL YEAR: Cost driver : Daily average offender population
VOTE 19 : DCS : 2001/2002 FINANCIAL YEAR: Cost driver : Personnel per Programme Personnel Establishment: 35 329
COST OF OFFENDERS PER DAY : VOTED 20002001 vs 2001/2002 Minister & Management R2.69 - R2.32 Security Services R44.76 – R36.00 Prison Services R5.62 – R4.97 Re-Intergration R1.13 - R0.86 Good Governance R0.27 - R0.30 Physical Care R6.81- R5.93 Communication services R0.18 - R0.17 Medical Care R3.81 – R2.85 Total Offenders 229 000 – 241 700 R62.29 - R69.96 PRISONERS 150 000 - 172 000 R88.62 – R94.16 PROBATIONERS AND PAROLEES 79 000 –69 700 R12.30 – R10.25 Public Private Partnerships R0.08 – R2.28 IT and legal services R1.82 – R2.12 Correctional and Parole Supervision R12.30 – R10.25 Capital works projects R10.61 – R6.93 Human Resource management\ R6.03 – R14.46 Employment Skills Development R5.37 – R4.70 Financial and logistical Services R13.17 – R14.01 Human resource development R1.48 – R1.27 Internal Charges (R7.76) - (R7.56) Development programmes R3.14 – R2.53
VOTE 19 : DCS : 2001/2002 FINANCIAL YEAR: Per capita cost per day on total expenditure
VOTE 19 : DCS : 2001/2002 FINANCIAL YEAR: Direct/Indirect per capita cost per day of prisoners
Per capita monitoring cost of probationers and parolees VOTE 19 : DCS : 2001/2002 FINANCIAL YEAR: Per capita monitoring cost of probationers and parolees