S.S. and Science Dear Parents, In fourth grade children take on new types of work and social experiences, and for some, these can be tough. In the areas of Social Studies and Science, students may benefit from the opportunity to learn through inquiry, hands-on, and collaboration. As your student’s teacher, I would like to offer additional support to our students in the areas of S.S and Science, at home. I would like to allow our students to explore a website created just for them. The students would be able to safely browse through S.S and Science resources, while completing individual tasks. Students will be exposed to a variety of resources, such as; videos, audio recordings, comprehension passages, non-fiction articles, and real world situations. The students will be given a task to complete at their own pace, but will also be held accountable for the task deadline. In order to offer this additional resource to our students at home, I would like to ask the following questions: Do you have access to the internet at home? __________smart phone, tablet, local library, home computer Would you allow your child to explore this website for 10-20 minutes each night, learning about Social Studies and Science content? ____ Are you interested in exploring these resources at home with your child? ______ Please Sign X______________________________