Words of the Week Weeks 9-16
Vocabulary Word of the Week (9) Discretion Part of speech: noun Definition: good sense Sample Sentence: Ali wasn’t using much discretion when he passed a police car at eighty miles an hour.
Vocabulary Word of the Week (10) Part of speech: noun Definition: a disadvantage Sample Sentence: Loni’s purple hair may be a detriment when she goes for a job interview. Other forms: detrimental (adj.) Detriment
Vocabulary Word of the Week (11) Part of speech: adjective Definition: skilled Sample Sentence: The juggler was so dexterous that he managed to keep five balls in motion at once. Other forms: dexterously (ad.), dexterousness (n.) Dexterous
Vocabulary Word of the Week (12) Part of speech: adjective Definition: used to describe speech that is meant to be funny. Sample Sentence: Dr. Segura has a facetious sign on his office door; “I’d like to help you out. Which way did you come in?” Other forms: facetiously (ad.) facetiousness (n.) Facetious
Vocabulary Word of the Week (13) Part of speech: adjective Definition: outgoing Sample Sentence: Melissa is so gregarious that she wants to be with other people even when she’s studying. Other forms: gregariously (adv.), gregariousness (n.) Gregarious
Vocabulary Word of the Week (14) Optimum Part of speech: adjective Definition: ideal Sample Sentence: The road was so icy that the optimum driving speed was only about ten miles an hour. Other forms: optimum (n.)
Vocabulary Word of the Week (15) Part of speech: adjective Definition: showy Sample Sentence: My show-off aunt has some ostentatious jewelry, such as a gold bracelet that’s so heavy she can hardly lift her arm. Other forms: ostentatiously (adv.), ostentatious (n.) Ostentatious
Vocabulary Word of the Week (16) Part of speech: adjective Definition: ethical, to do the right thing Sample Sentence: The judge was scrupulous about never accepting a bribe or allowing personal threat to influence his decisions. Other forms: scrupulously (adv.), scrupulousness (n.), scruples Scrupulous