Visiting Vice Chancellor, CCCCO Update Omid Pourzanjani Visiting Vice Chancellor, Digital Futures Chancellor’s Office
Administrative Tools LaunchBoard Common data storage and security CTE AEBG GP IEPI Perkins SSSP/SE/BSI Workforce SWP AEBG Perkins Ed Services SSSP SE BSI GP Editors/ Customizers Program Mapper Editor MMAP Editor Admin Role Editor Professional Learning Network Institutes Coaches ASK Toolkits Common data storage and security Common GUI Strategies
Four Pillars of Guided Pathways
Tools for Student Journey – Pillar 1 (Clarify the Path) Prior to Onboarding cccAccess (cccID) Unifying access for all services Here to Career Exploration for Interest Clusters/ Career Selection Program Mapper (Visualize course map with data from COCI and OEI’s Course Exchange) MMAP Placement (use SSID to pull high school courses and grades or Self-reported data) Student Support Financial Aid EOPS CalWORKS Veteran Clubs Other Finalize application Orientation information shared before each step cccApply information collected throughout the process Common data storage and security Branded for each college Spanish, Universal Access, text notifications, and Mobile support; Common GUI, Common Authentication