Vocabulary Book D unit 6 #1-10 By Yianni Tolos
Highlight - to make up for Synonym – expiate Write – guilt or sin 1. Atone Highlight - to make up for Synonym – expiate Write – guilt or sin
2. Bondage Highlight – slavery; any state of being bound or held down Write – being controlled by someone
3.Credible Highlight – believable Synonym – likely Connections – the ending of Credible ends in BLE and So does the definition believable
4. Defray Highlight – to pay for
Highlight – hardworking, not lazy Write – showing dedication 5. Diligent Highlight – hardworking, not lazy Write – showing dedication
Highlight – sad; dreary Synonym – sorrowful 6.Doleful Highlight – sad; dreary Synonym – sorrowful
Highlight – Frightful. Horrible Synonym – dreadful 7. Ghastly Highlight – Frightful. Horrible Synonym – dreadful
Highlight – to hold back Synonym – inhibit 8.Hamper Highlight – to hold back Synonym – inhibit
Highlight –to shape or cut down with an axe Synonym – chop, hack, fell 9. Hew Highlight –to shape or cut down with an axe Synonym – chop, hack, fell
Highlight – poor, in a state of poverty Write – homeless person 10. Impoverished Highlight – poor, in a state of poverty Write – homeless person