The New Frontier Chapter 28, Section 2
New Frontier Kennedy’s broad range of social programs – health care, living conditions, education, etc. Couldn’t gather enough votes to get it passed.
Kennedy’s Cabinet Robert McNamara (business exec) – Sec of Defense John Kenneth Galbraith (economist)
Economic Success Faced down big steel execs over a price increase Achieved a rollback Economic stimulation – increased defense and space spending
Foreign Affairs Trade Expansion Act of 1962 Tariff reduction w/ European Economic Community (Common Market)
Deficit Spending Kennedy’s advisors push for deficit spending Minimum wage gets increased to $1.25
Peace Corps Kennedy tackles poverty abroad as well
Alliance for Progress Economic and technical assistance for Latin American countries
Space Race 1961- USSR – first man in space 1 month later – US man in space National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) began work at Cape Canaveral, FL and Houston, TX
Man on the Moon July 20, 1969 – US puts a man on the moon – Neil Armstrong
The Other America Michael Harrington’s 1962 book showed that 50 million Americans lived below the poverty level ($1,000 per person)
Tragedy in Dallas November 22, 1963 – President Kennedy shot and killed while riding in motorcade in Dallas, TX. Who? Why?
Lee Harvey Oswald arrested Shot on live TV while being transferred Shot by Jack Ruby
Warren Commission 1963 – says that Oswald acted alone 1979 – reinvestigation says that Oswald was part of a conspiracy
“I feel like the Negro has lost a savior. I admired Kennedy “I feel like the Negro has lost a savior. I admired Kennedy. He was a person one could look up to…I feel insecure, unsafe. The future looks quite uncertain. I hate to think about it.” Karen Parker, first African-American female to graduate from UNC