doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> 13 November 2006 <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> doc.: IEEE 802.11-00/XXXr0 November 2007 Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [IEEE 802.11 TGs WiFi Mesh Liaison Report to IEEE 802.15 WG Plenary] Date Submitted: [15 November, 2007] Source: [Ho-In Jeon] Company: [Kyung-Won University] Address: [San 65, Bok-Jung-Dong, Sung-Nam-Shi, Kyung-Gi-Do, Republic of Korea] Voice: [ +82-31-753-2533 (W)], Voice:[ +82-10-4708-5328 (M)] FAX: [+82-31-753-2532], E-Mail: [] Re: [] Abstract: [Liaison report of 802.11 TGs status] Purpose: [Contribution to 802.15 working group at November 2007 Meeting] Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15. Ho-In Jeon (KWU) Page 1 <author>, <company> James P. K. Gilb - SiBEAM
IEEE 802.11 TGs WiFi Mesh Liaison Report to IEEE 802.15 WG in Atlanta November 2007 IEEE 802.11 TGs WiFi Mesh Liaison Report to IEEE 802.15 WG in Atlanta November 15, 2007 Atlanta, GA, U.S.A. Ho-In Jeon (KWU)
Comments Resolved 1st Letter Ballot failed: 48% Approval 5,615 98 November 2007 Comments Resolved 1st Letter Ballot failed: 48% Approval Resolved Unresolved Dec-06 5,713 0.0% 100.0% Jan-07 3,001 2,712 52.5% 47.5% Mar-07 4,296 1,417 75.2% 24.8% May-07 4,818 895 84.3% 15.7% Jul-07 5,230 483 91.5% 8.5% Sep-07 5,482 231 96.0% 4.0% Nov-07 5,615 98 98.3% 1.7% Ho-In Jeon (KWU)
Presentations for Comments Resolutions November 2007 Presentations for Comments Resolutions “High Throughput Mesh”, Alexander Safonov (IITP), Yongho Seok (LG Electronics), 11-07/2700r0. “Suggested PICS Proforma Table Additions”, Kazuyuki Sakoda (Sony), 11-07/1991r2. “Power efficient and unified 802.11s solution”, Jarkko Knecht (Nokia), 11-07/2646r1. “Mesh Power Save”, Jarkko Knecht (Nokia), 11-07/2717r1. “Analyzing the Beacon Collision Probability in Mesh Networks”, Michelle Gong (Intel), 11-07/2813r1. “MAC QoS”, Mathilde Benveniste (Avaya), 11-07/2814r0. “Common TSF Issues”, Zhen Xie (Atheros), 11-07/2518r3. “Minor text updates for Abbreviated Handshake”, Meiyuan Zhao (Intel), 11-07/2816r0. “A More Efficient KDF”, Dan Harkins (Aruba), 11-07/2855r0. Ho-In Jeon (KWU)
Presentations for Comments Resolutions November 2007 Presentations for Comments Resolutions “PMKID List updates for MSA Authentication”, Tony Braskich (Motorola), 11-07/2648r0. “Key Hierarchy Nonce Updates”, Tony Braskich (Motorola), 11-07/2649r1. “GTK Clarification for Mesh Access Points”, Tony Braskich (Motorola), 11-07/2865r0. “Key usage update for Peer Link Management”, Meiyuan Zhao (Intel), 11-07/2839r2. “Mesh Neighbour List Element”, Kazuyuki Sakoda (Sony), 11-07/2817r0. “MBCA and Beacon Timing Element Clean Up”, Kazuyuki Sakoda (Sony), 11-07/2819r1. “802.11s functional interdependences”, Jarkko Knecht (Nokia), 11-07/2853r0. “Power efficient and unified 802.11s solution”, Jarkko Knecht (Nokia), 11-07/2646r3. “Performance Evaluation of ‘Express Forwarding’for a Single-Channel Mesh”, Mathilde Benveniste (Avaya), 11-07/2454r1. Ho-In Jeon (KWU)
Process of Getting to Letter Ballot and Beyond <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> November 2007 Process of Getting to Letter Ballot and Beyond Completed Steps | Future Steps Adoption of PAR and 5 Criteria Technical Presentations and Discussions Specify Any Additional Requirements, Comparison Criteria, or Other Documents Call For Proposals Presentation of Proposals Select from Submitted Complete Proposals to Produce a Draft Refine Draft 1st Letter Ballot – November 2006 – Fails Revise Draft – Resolve comments 2nd Letter Ballot – After January 2007 Recirculation Sponsor Ballot – September 2008(?) Final WG/EC Approval IEEE SB REVCOM Approval Ho-In Jeon (KWU) <author>, <company>
Final Information for Report November 2007 Final Information for Report An annotated agenda for TGs at this meeting is available in 11-07/2630r11. TGs failed to find a new Technical Editor and has decided not to try to go to Letter Ballot from this meeting. The 2nd Letter Ballot document is scheduled to be out after January meeting at Taipei. TGs has scheduled teleconferences on 21 November, 11 December, 9 January and 23 January at 17:00 for up to 90 minutes. Ho-In Jeon (KWU)