Christian Morality Dancing
Morality Defined Moral 1. Concerned with the principles of right and wrong behavior and the goodness or badness of human character. 2. Concerned with or derived from the code of interpersonal behavior that is considered right or acceptable in a particular society. 3. Holding or manifesting high principles for proper conduct.
Morality Defined Moral Morality 1. A particular system of values and principles of conduct. 2. Especially one held by a specified person or society.
Morality Defined Moral Morality Which set of morals are we seeking to live by? 1. If the world’s, these lessons do not apply to you. 2. If God’s, we must accept His principles completely.
The Bible on Lewd Behavior What is lewdness? 1. Lewd: suggestive of or tending to moral looseness; driven by lust; preoccupied with or exhibiting lustful desires; crude and offensive in a sexual way. 2. Aselgia (Gr.) means “unbridled lust, wanton acts or manners, filthy words, indecent bodily movements, unchaste handling of males and females.” 3. Lascivious: unbridled lust, shamelessness.
The Bible on Lewd Behavior What is lewdness? How God views lewd/sensual behavior. 1. Classed with uncleanness and fornication (2 Cor. 12:21) 2. A work of the flesh (Gal. 5:19) 3. Not proper behavior for Christians (Rom. 13:13)
The Bible on Lewd Behavior What is lewdness? How God views lewd/sensual behavior. God expects Christians to behave appropriately at all times.
Applications to Dancing What does the Bible say about dancing? 1. Four types mentioned a. Religious Dances in the OT (Ex. 15:20-21) b. Expressions of joy (1 Sam. 18:) c. Children playing (Job 21:11; Luke 7:32) d. Passionate dances (Mt. 14:6)
Applications to Dancing What does the Bible say about dancing? 1. Four types mentioned 2. No Bible reference to dancing refers to social dancing between a male and a female.
Applications to Dancing What does the Bible say about dancing? Warnings and Wisdom 1. The Bible warns about emotions and passions that are part of physical contact between the sexes. (1 Cor. 6:18, 1 Tim. 6:9-11, 2 Tim. 2:22) 2. Listen to the warnings of 1 Thess. 5:22. 3. “My motives are pure, I just want the friendship and fellowship dancing seems to provide.” 4. Christians are called to holiness and separation. (2 Cor. 6:16-18, Titus 2:11-14, 2 Tim. 2:21-22)
Applications to Dancing What does the Bible say about dancing? Warnings and Wisdom Common sense question: 1. If you walked in on a dance with only people of the same sex, would that seem normal to you? 2. Then how can we say that dancing with someone of the opposite sex is not sexual?
Conclusions 1. It is wrong to lust after others (Mt. 5:28) 2. It is wrong to conduct ourselves in any way that excites lust in others (lewdness, lasciviousness, sensuality; Gal. 5:19-21) 3. We ought to avoid every form of evil, even the paths that might eventually lead to evil.
So we are always of good courage So we are always of good courage. We know that while we are at home in the body we are away from the Lord, for we walk by faith, not by sight. Yes, we are of good courage, and we would rather be away from the body and at hoe with the Lord. So whether we are at home or away, we make it our aim to please him. For we use all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each fone may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil.