Classroom News Week of August 27th A Peek at the Week Mrs. Scott A Peek at the Week Upcoming Tests and Assignments August 31stt-Lesson 2 spelling test over words sent home on Monday. August 31st- Week 2 homework page due Writing/Grammar: -Kinds of sentences -Personal narrative writing Reading: -Context clues -Drawing conclusions -Author’s Word Choice Science: -Engineering- How can we design a solution? Math: - We are continuing chapter 1 over addition and subtraction within 1,000. Spelling: -words with long vowels Social Studies: -What does it mean to be a good citizen? Mark Your Calendars August 31st- School Pictures September 5th- Site Council at 5:30 and PTO at 6:30 September 7th- GES PTO Father/Daughter Night at 6pm A Note from Mrs. Scott We made it successfully through our first full week of school! There are so many changes we need to get used to, and that makes it even more challenging and fun! I am sending home some Scholastic Book Club Flyers today. You may order them online or send your orders to me by September 17th. My class code is LVKLJ.