Integrated Approach to Programme and Operations Strategic Planning in a Challenging Aid Environment.


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Presentation transcript:

Integrated Approach to Programme and Operations Strategic Planning in a Challenging Aid Environment

ODA Trends

Net ODA from OECD DAC countries to multilateral institutions at constant 2006 prices and exchange rates (millions USD)

The New Aid Architecture requires the UN Development System to strategically strengthen its Coherence, Efficiency and Effectiveness. For development-related activities non-core contributions increased nearly five-fold, in real terms, between 1993 and 2008, while core funding grew by 2%. As a result, the core component of funding for development- related activities declined from 70% in 1993 to 34 per cent in (Res. 64/289 System-wide Coherence, 21 July 2010) 91% of non-core funding for development-related activities in 2008 was single donor and programme and project-specific. 9% of non-core funding for development-related activities in 2008 was pro-grammed through pooled funding mechanisms. 4

Answering these trends, …reform efforts should enhance organizational efficiency and achieve concrete development results.* Triennial Comprehensive Policy Reviews (TCPR) from Dec 2004 and March 2008 establish clear roadmap for the United Nations towards greater effectiveness, efficiency and coherence. Concrete steps requested towards rationalization of country presence through common premises, implementation of the joint office model and common shared support services. (point 34, Res. 59/250, 17 Dec 2004; point 120, Res. 62/208, 14 March 2008) The TCPR stresses the importance for the UN development system to improve strategic planning, integrating results-based management, accountability and transparency. (point 33, Res. 62/208, 14 March 2008 The UNDAF is a result of a strategic planning process, including analysis of UN comparative advantage, stakeholders, UNCT capacity, and strategic priorities. 5 *(point 9, Res. 62/208, 14 March 2008)

1. Road Map 6 3. Strategic Planning 1 Road Map 2. Country Analysis 3. Strategic Planning 4. M&E Mandatory Steps

Three parts to the UNDAF Guidance Package 7 UNDAF Progress Reporting UNDAF Action Plan Guidance UNDAF Guidelines & Technical Guidance

UNDAF Guidelines emphasize… 8 National Ownership Alignment with national development priorities Inclusiveness of UN system, including NRAs Integration of the five programming principles Mutual accountability for development results

Programming principles & thematic guidance notes for country analysis and UNDAF 9 The fab five: HRBA Gender equality Environmental sustainability Results-based Management Capacity development

1. Road Map 10 One Outcome level only Simplified Results Matrix that integrates the M&E Framework Option to keep UNDAF at outcome level (there are two options for developing your Results Matrix) Whats new and important in Strategic Planning?

UNDAF Options 1. Road Map 11 Country Analysis -> UNDAF 1a -> CPDs -> CPAPs/Ag. Programmes -> AWPs A Country Analysis -> UNDAF 1a -> CPDs -> UNDAF Action Plan -> AWPs B Country Analysis -> UNDAF 1b -> CPDs -> CPAPs/Ag. Programmes -> AWPs C Country Analysis -> UNDAF 1b -> CPDs -> UNDAF Action Plan -> AWPs D

The problem with most strategic plans is that they are long on what to do and short on the how to do it. Programming is our first priority and to deploy we must have an appropriate and efficient operational infrastructure. Business Operations underlies all programming efforts regardless of the modality and consolidating operational support reduces transaction costs and duplicated effort. UNCTs should plan in detail for achieving efficiency gains from the very beginning of each programme cycle. Operations should not function as static departments separated from Programme, but as an integrative part of the strategic planning process. 12 Programme Operations

UNDAF without integrative approach 13 Planning Roadmap Country Analysis Strategic Planning UNDAF Finalization UNDAF Implementation Annual Review Progress Report UNDAF Evaluation Planned Results Static Operational Support Planning Roadmap Country Analysis Strategic Planning UNDAF Finalization UNDAF Implementation Annual Review Progress Report UNDAF Evaluation Planned Results Strategic Planning integrating Programme and Operations Assessing and Optimizing Operational Support Programme Needs Harmonization of Business Practices Common Services Outsourcing of Support Services Reduction of Transaction Costs Greater Operational Efficiency Increased Quality Standards Quantified Savings Greater Cost Efficiency Better Programme Delivery

The Business Operations Sessions aim at transferring the skills to increase operational efficiency and quality at the Country Level Introduce the Process Approach Model to Common Services (Assessment, Planning, Management). Discuss the effective organizational set-up of Operations Management Team, its Working Groups and its strategic positioning at the country level. Review existing Business Practices and start developing Common Services, designed to maximize savings and most effectively support Programme delivery. Design draft work plan to implement and manage Common Services and harmonize Business Practices. 14

Continuous Process 1. Road Map 15 Common Services Framework ManagementManagementPlanningPlanningAssessmentAssessment Country Team Operations Management Team Technical Input Task Forces Decision -Making Annual Work Plans & Reports CS Imple- mentation Plan Integrated Options Report Signed Agreement Directive

For updated guidance materials please check… 16