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MMMMMMMM!!! I taste GOOD!!!
https://www. bing. com/videos/search &view=detail&mid=8440B06C336CCB805FF78440B06C336CCB805FF 7&&FORM=VDRVRV
Lost Saddlebag Project Pages 560-562. Create the following, how you do it is on your own!!! A saddle bag with the following materials in them. A map of the cattle trail that you were on. (3 points) A diary with at least five (5) entries, each a paragraph long (5 sentences long). (10 points) In the diary, mention what a “Cow Town” is, how important railroads are to the cattle industry, what a “long drive” is and what “rustlers” are and about fighting Indians. Two (2) artifacts that you might find on the trail, (not just a rock!!!). (2 points) Due at the end of the day on Thursday, two points extra credit if you can present either on Thursday or Friday.