Be respectful! Be thoughtful! Use the book to back up your ideas Socratic Discussion Be respectful! Be thoughtful! Use the book to back up your ideas
1. TV VIOLENCE - How accurate is Bradbury’s portrayal of TV addiction? - How accurate is Bradbury’s portrayal of violence on TV? Page 90 might have inspiration
Look at pages 90-91 for inspiration 2. CONSTANT STATE OF WAR In what ways is the constant state of war accurate to today’s world? Inaccurate? How accurately did Bradbury predict people’s attitude toward war? Look at pages 90-91 for inspiration
3. Politics The women at the Montag house discuss politics on page 93. How well does their discussion reflect the state of politics today?
4. LACK OF CONNECTION Montag and Mildred are clearly disconnected. How accurate was Bradbury’s portrayal of relationships?
Take a minute to fill out the feedback form for your partner Take a minute to fill out the feedback form for your partner. Give it to Mrs. McConnell. Then switch seats and we will do this again with a new group of people.
1. RAISING CHILDREN On page 93, the women talk about raising children. How accurate is their description compared to how children are raised in today’s world?
2. RELIGION How does Bradbury’s description of the role of religion compare to today? What does religion look like in Fahrenheit 451? How is that similar/different to today? It is discussed on page 77
3. FAST LIFESTYLES Clarisse talks about how quickly everything moves in the futuristic Fahrenheit 451. How accurate is the description of an overly busy, overly stimulated lifestyle? Why does it matter?
4. ANTI-INTELLECTUAL The people in Fahrenheit 451 have chosen to stop reading because they are no longer interested in thinking or obtaining knowledge. How accurate or inaccurate is that to our world today?