By Dylan Mohr and Jilaena Luxton Pennsylvania By Dylan Mohr and Jilaena Luxton
Our flight The total money amount is $276 through Expedia.
Philadelphia Our first city is Philadelphia.
The Omni hotel in Philadelphia
Activities in Philadelphia Baby paws farm Fairmount park Please Touch Museum Philadelphia zoo
Hershey Our second city is Hershey.
The Hershey hotel
Activities in Hershey Water park Golfing
Harrisburg Our third city is Harrisburg.
The Sheraton Hotel
Activities in Harrisburg Swimming Working out
Allentown Our fourth city is Allentown.
The Best Western We are going To the Best Western Hotel.
Activities in Allentown Golfing Museum
Newport Our last city is Newport .
The Newport Onshore resort
Activities in Newport Swimming Visiting Fort Hunter mansion
The End That will conclude our trip.