The Nez Perce Tribe By: Julia Pezzuco
The Nez Perce homeland, and clothing The Nez Perce Indians lived in Columbia, plateau region of the western United States. They passed rocky mountains while traveling to Oregon, Wyoming, and Montana. Their surroundings where mountains, deep canyons, forests, and swift stream rivers. Their houses where called long houses, one of the most popular houses among Native Americans. The walls and roofs of the houses were made of woven cattail and reed mats. The men wore fringed skirts, breechcloths, leggings, gloves, and moccasins. The clothing was made of deer, and elk skin. Women wore buckskin dresses, leggings, moccasins and woven hats. The dresses were decorated with porcupine quills, elk teeth, and tusk shells.
Food and travel facts The Nez Perce men went to the river and fished for salmon, trout, and sturgeon. In the summer women and children would gather blackberries, strawberries, huckleberries, and gooseberries. The Nez Perce Indians traveled by horse and by canoe. The children would have to learn how to ride a horse at very early age because it was their only land transportation.
Resourses and valuable animals To the Nez Perce tribe a valuable animal is the prairie dog, because they kept the Indians company and were very nice. The tribe was very resourceful. They ate very little in the summer and saved up on food for the winter. They believe in sharing, and to me their like old fashion recyclers.
Today Today the Nez Perce tribe is living in Idaho. There they are ruled by a council which is elected by all people. Right now the tribe is speaking English but some older members of the tribe speak their native language. A very easy word is “hoo” it means a sign of peace. Now the Nez Perce tribe wear jeans and a regular t-shirt. But some members continue to wear moccasins and buckskin dresses.
Bibliography Gaines M. Richard, Nez Perce Minneapolis, Minnesota, A.B.D.O copy write 2000. Hartle Sandra,