The 5 Major Genres TAG Language Arts
Contents Non-fiction A New Era of Responsibility Fiction Little Men (by Louisa may Alcott ) Folktale John Henry
Contents Drama A Thirty minute dream Poetry Believe Credits
Non-Fiction True Story of actual events . Biography Auto-Biography Periodicals Reference Informational
A New Era of Responsibility Barack Obama took the oath of the nation to be are 44th President of the United State of America under a sunny sky and the cold day in Washington. He pledged to lead the United States in the worst economic times since the Great Depression “Today I say the challenges you face are real” said president Barack Obama. The war in Iraq to globe warming they are all serious thing we need to face they will not be fixed easily or quickly, but Americans can face it. A crowd of more the 1 million people packed in the National Mall listening to his words of optimism as he calls for “A New Era of Responsibility” Informational
Fiction Invented stories with imaginary Characters and events. Mystery Adventure Historical fiction Science fiction Realistic fiction
Little Men (by Louisa may Alcott Nat Blake thinks the boys at plumfield seem more like a big family then a group of school children. Nat is recently orphaned when he first at plumfield . He soon improves with good meals and kindness from everyone in the house he joins the boys in their lessons, chores, fun, and mischief ! Adventure
FolkTale An anonymous, timeless, and placeless story that was originally told rather then written. Myths Fables Tall Tale/Legend
John Henry John Henry, a freed slave, happens across a railroad building project. An entire crew of freed slaves has been promised land if they can finish by deadline, but they're exhausted and unable to continue. John, though, has the strength of ten men, and revitalizes all of them. But despair sets in again when the railroad sends a steam hammer to replace the crew and burns the contract. John proposes a challenge: man against machine. After a heroic effort, including a tunnel through solid rock by swinging two hammers at once, John wins, but he also collapses in his wife Polly's arms. Tall Tale
Drama A story for stage performance by actors Characters Line or Dialogue Props
The Thirty Minute Dream Fairies make mischief in the Athenian woods, mixing up two couples and pairing the fairy queen with one of the 'Rude Mechanicals' who are in the woods rehearsing a play. When all is straight, we finally get to see the Mechanicals' play mocked By the Athenian nobility.
Poetry Lines Stanza/Verses Figurative language Sound Words arranged in metrical pattern often using rhymes, verses, and rhythm in a imaginative style to convey it’s message. Poets use many techniques to create just the right mood feeling thought or sound. Lines Stanza/Verses Figurative language Sound
I Believe I Believe dreams come true I Believe that I can succeed I Believe that we can do anything I Believe that hard work pays off I Believe the sun shines after the rain I Believe that nothing should get in our way I believe everyone has a dream and my Dream is to achieve and I believe I will achieve and nothing going to get in my way
Definitions Genre – A group or collection of books with a similar theme or style