Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) Bowel Cancer Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) Other Bowel Disorders Anal cancer Colon cancer Rectal cancer Crohn’s disease Ulcerative colitis Diverticulitis Irritable bowel syndrome Fistula Rectal prolapse Bowel obstruction Incontinence + many others…..
BDRF Research Strategic Framework Understanding the causes and mechanisms of disease Cause Learning how to combat the disease at its source Primary – preventing a precursor of the disease Prevention Research Pathways Secondary – applying a test to diagnose through screening methods Adjuvant therapies and drug treatment Treatment Surgical procedures Living with disease Containment Ensuring best quality of life – mental, physical, social, aspects Cure Ultimate eradication
Cause Crohn’s Prevention Bowel Cancer Treatment Containment Colitis Genetics – familial adenomatous polyposis FAP , hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer syndrome (HNPCC) or Lynch syndrome Cause Environmental factors – diet, social & economic, alcohol, Inflammatory Bowel Disease Crohn’s Primary – genetic monitoring, dietary factors, aspirin Prevention Bowel Cancer Secondary – faecal occult blood test (FOBt) Colonoscopy, MRI, ultrasound Pre-disease, early disease, later disease, late disease – TNM staging Treatment Surgical procedures, radiotherapy, chemotherapy Living with disease Containment Ensuring best quality of life – mental, physical, social, aspects Colitis Cure Removal of tumor, section of bowel , possibility of a stoma
Inflammatory Bowel Disease Genetics – having a close relative with the condition Cause Crohn’s Disruption to or malfunction of to the immune system Primary – genetic monitoring, dietary factors, smoking, geographic factors Prevention Inflammatory Bowel Disease Secondary – blood tests, endoscopic techniques, imaging Treatment Reducing the effects of the inflammation through drugs or surgery Developing clear treatments pathways, joined up care , top down and step up methodology Reducing the side effects of treatments. Living with a stoma Containment Ensuring best quality of life – mental, physical, social, aspects Cure There is currently no cure
Cause Prevention Bowel Disorders Treatment Containment Cure Pregnancy, injury to sphincter muscles , dietary factors Cause Age – elderly and the young, neurological conditions Improving obstetric care Bowel Disorders Prevention Lifestyle and dietary Drug treatment, innovative less invasive treatments Treatment Surgical procedures Living with the disorder but reducing its effects Containment Ensuring best quality of life – mental, physical, social, aspects Cure Ultimate eradication